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Saturday, August 23, 2008
I must say it has an interesting ring to it. And it may not be that far off the mark. After all the Moslem world has wiped the floor with the United States. They control our economy. Saudi Arabia has a foot in just about every major U.S. corportation and indusry and Moslem influnce is almost everywhere. While iam not insinuating that Baby Doc Obama is a Moslem or even sympathic to the Moslem world he certainly is their choice for president. Will the U.S follow the dictates of their global masters(the radical Moslems) or start doing their own thinking? Its hard to say. The aftermath of 9-11 was scary especially after Saudi-Arabia bombed the shit out of Nyc and there was no retailation by America. The Moslem world is out thinking the U.S. They beat us in Iraq,bombed an American city,and contiue to terrorize us. When Osama Bin Laden makes a threat we jump regardless of the cost. So it isnt out of the question for the American people to elect a president who is very well supported by the Al-Quaida faction of the moslem world.>>>>>>>Joe Biden is Obama's vice-president choice and another mistake in judgement by Obama . Biden is a motor mouth who makes mistate after mistake and can talk for hours and say nothing. Obama's choice fits in well with all the other mistakes he has made during the campaign
Friday, August 22, 2008
Georgia:Another Fine Mess
George Bush just cant help but step on every land mine or trap our adversaries put in front of him. He is the greedy slob who continously becomes the victim of his own greed. The mess in Georgia must be settled quickley. John MaCain is right when he says the Russians must comply with the treaty negoiated by the French. But Puttin must be allowed to walk away feeling he has gainied something. Why is that important? First of all the U.S will need Russian acceptance when we invade Iran. Putin wont give that unless he gets something now. And the longer the Georgia thing goes on means it could get out of control and escalte into something neither side wanted. George Bush's nucular shield would be the least costliest thing to give up. Its a stupid idea that could easily cause a nucular war instead of detering one. After all it was George Bush's idea so how much it sense could it make to begin with. Everyone including Putin wants to see an end to this and scrfacing Bush's nucular shield is the best way of doing it.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
John MaCain Looks Very Presidential
MaCain is ahead in the polls simply because he has shown leadership which is what America is desperatly looking for. Obama usually ends up parroting what MaCain has said previouly about an issue which the Los Angeles Times pointed out in todays paper. MaCain has simply done a better job of offering solutions to both domestic and foreign problems then Obama and the voters are seeing it happen.
What Putin Really Wants
Putin is a boxer,a Sugar Ray Robinson,Barney Ross type who stalks his victim until a mistake is made that he can captilize on. Putin dosent go throwing punches around wildly and taking numerous body blows like Rocky Marciano did before landing a knockout punch. Putin proably has waited for years for this opportinity in Georgia to bloody George Bush's face. Putin dosent like to lose control of a situation and right now he is firmly in control of the fight. A concession by the west would enable him to pull back without risking a confrontion with the west. And that is what Putin wants, a way out of this with out a confrontation where he can show he has won someting without risking much to get it. The problem is we a have a screw ball like George Bush as president who is dumb and wild could easily turn this brush fire into a ragin out of control infernio. There is always that possablity in a confrontation like this. The Unites States invaded Iraq for the OIl and Putin feels he has the right to intervene in a military way to protect Russian interests in countries that where once provinces in the old Soviet Union. Who will blink first Bush or Putin? The Russians have gotten used to gravey on the biscuits and dont want to go back to days of eating shoe leather instead of steak. While the United States has to be tough and firm as John MaCain has said it also has try and ease the tension. Again when we invade Iran which is almost inevitable we will need Russia to acquise and look the other way for a while. That may be hard for them if we dont try and end this stand off soon.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dr.Obama's Pie In The Sky Plan To Save The Economy
China is stealing American Jobs and here comes Dr.Obama to the rescue with another of his pie in the sky plans to save the economy. Detroit has been hit hard by the loss of good paying manufacturing jobs to China and other countries. Dr.Obama is now airing adds in the Detroit area about how he will protect American jobs by leving taxes on all goods coming into the United States from China. Realistically there is vertually no chance of that ever happening. First of all the Chinese currancy is now apprecting against the dollar and that undercuts his argument that the Chinese are still intentionally keeping the wan lower than it should be. And since most Chinese exports are manufactured either by or for American corportions its unlikely they would ever let Obama interfer with their profits. Since they are financing his campaign he aint going to do anything they dont like. Are the Chinese really stealing American jobs? Well Detroit certainly has lost a lot of jobs. Walking down a main artery(they used to be called streets)in Detroit is like being in a no-mans land. The streets are deserted,boared up and empty of human life. You may see a pack of stray dogs on the streets but not people. Schools dont educate well because they are poorly maintained and staffed. Dont call the fire department in Detroit because they aint coming. They is no gas for the fire trucks. Tranacting any kind of business in Detroit is a very risky venture. Two brothers stopped into a plumbing supply store they did business with while it was being robbed and both where shot dead. This is happening today in a city that gave birth to the automobile and once was called the arenseal of Democracy. Although the state gives generous tax breaks and many other benefits to businesses who move into Detroit and Michigan there arent many takers. Why? Who wants to be in a shit whole like that? Is it Chinas fault that Detroit is in the shape its in? They didnt bring casino gambling to downtown Detroit. They dont vote for Mafia politicians like the people in Michigan do. The first step in bring jobs to Detroit and Michigan is for the state to rid itself of casino gambling. IF that step cant be taken then there isnt much hope for Detroit. Obama's pie in the sky economic plans certainly arent goint to do anything for Michigan. They are unrealistic and dont deal with the cause of the problem
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Democrates Are Going to Lose WIth Obama
Baby Doc Obama is not the candidate that will bring victory to the Democrates in November. MaCain whether voters agree with him on policy and issues or not has shown them that based on ability he is the superior candidate. What good is having a candiate that you agree with if he cant do the work. And that is clearly the problem with Obama. Its clear from his reaction to recent issues and events that right now he just isnt capable of doing the work. Maybe he needs more learning and experience than he has right now. Obama takes a stance on an issue then when its proven that he is wrong he backpedals and second guesses himself. And now labor leader Andy Stern's union who is one of his biggest backers is embroiled in a major corruption scandal. Just what Obama needs at a time when he is accused of playing footsey with unions assoicated with organized crime. The solution for the Democrates,ifen they want to win in November is to give the nomination back to the candidate the voters picked. Hillory Clinton won the nomination the right way by being selected by the voters and not by some fucked up secret selction process the way Dr.Obama was picked.
Natural Gas futures look they are going up. Natural Gas is very volitale and risky and lucrative. Traders that can handle the tremondous risk and expense involed in trading natural gas should consider this trade.
Natural Gas futures look they are going up. Natural Gas is very volitale and risky and lucrative. Traders that can handle the tremondous risk and expense involed in trading natural gas should consider this trade.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Bush vs.Putin
This boxing match has been in the making for a long time with Bush swinging wildly while Putin a cagy boxer just laid back and waited for the right opportunity to deck his opponent. It was Georgia and not Iraq that provided the chance for Putin to draw first blood in his match up with the wild cowpuncher George Bush. It was Iraq though that provided the right enviorment for the fight to take place. The United States' intrusion into Iraq should have been finished a long time ago and if it had its unlikely Puttin would have invaded Georgia. Bush's invasion has set a precedent for force being the finale decider of how countries settle their differnces. A main problem of Bush's invasion of Iraq besides besides it being bad policy is that Bush is to dumb to be a war time leader as Mr Putin has shown the world by rubbing Bush's face into the ground. Putin's invasion of Georgia has definalty hurt American prestige in the world. Inspite of what Dr.Obama proclaims there isnt much difference between his Iraq policy over John MaCains. However MaCain has shown himself over the last few months as a candiate for president to be a much stronger leader then Dr.Obama. After 8 years of George Bush strong leadership would be a refresing change.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Truthful Nancy Pelosi
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently critized Joe Liberman for supporting John MaCain and slaming Dr.Obama's candancy. She said someone like Dr.Obama comes along once in a generation and he must be supported for President because of this rare occurance of some one like him running for president. She didnt go into any details about why Dr.Obama is so special. Is he special for the way he and the oil companies conspired to cheat Hillory Clinton out of the Democratic nomination? Or may be she thinks he special for his many mistakes in foreign policy. She proably thinks talking to Iran about stopping their nucular weapons progaram is a good idea as Dr.Obama has proposed. Dr.Obama's weak plans for starting the economy again maybe she feels could be a good idea even though they havent worked in Michigan and Indiana. It would be nice
the next time Ms Pelosi praises Dr. Obama that she goes into more detail about what makes him special. Because now she just left everyone guessing about what she is talking about. We have to remember that when Ms Pelosi campaigned on the graves of the dead soldigers in 2006 and told us that if the Democrates won back congress that the war would be soon over with. She was truthful wasnt she? The same way she being truthful with us now.
the next time Ms Pelosi praises Dr. Obama that she goes into more detail about what makes him special. Because now she just left everyone guessing about what she is talking about. We have to remember that when Ms Pelosi campaigned on the graves of the dead soldigers in 2006 and told us that if the Democrates won back congress that the war would be soon over with. She was truthful wasnt she? The same way she being truthful with us now.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Putin Standing on Bushes Throat
Putin is without question the premeir world leader today in terms of ability and influencing world descision making. George Bush lets face it is regarded as dunce by most world leaders. It was only a question of time before the forces of physcis and world order brought them together in a face-off with Putin's foot on George Bush's throat. Its called the new world order where America comes out second best. Would Putin have gone as far as he has if Bush hadnt attacked Iraq and set a new precedent for invading when national security isnt threatened? Bush has upset the worlds eco-system with the invasion of Iraq
Monday, August 11, 2008
Odds and Ends
MaCain and Obama are both petal to the metal people in terms of Nucular energy. The candidate who was against building more nucular power plants because they are so dangerous Hillary Clinton was cheated out of her parties nomination that she rightfully won. In horse racing they call it a fixed race.>>>>>> MaCains sharp response to Russia's invasion of Georgia was clearly better than Obamas. Obama's reply was so vague it sounded like he was giving Russia the go ahead to finish the job off. Why is the stonger response better in this situation? Becausse the United States is powerless to do anything in a military way to stop Russia. So by jawboning we are showing that we are displeased which may force Russia to have second thoughtts about going to far. We eventually will need Russia to acquiesce when we invade Iran. They will condemm us just like we are doing now to them and hopefully they wont go any further and support Iran in a military way. That is another reason we wont support the Georgians in a Military way because we dont Russia to fight alongside Iran when we invade Iran. >>>>>There might be a good short term rally in natural gas.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
America Dont Panic
Many Americans have lost their homes and jobs and now are afraid and uncertain of whats to come. Its ok to have fear. A long time ago a man said when times where a lot toughter than they are now,"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin Roosevelt was really saying while you maybe scared just dont panic. And panic desciions with out thinking things thru is still a dangeouus thing to do today. A vote for Clarence(the kid) Obama is a panic decison that isnt a very well thought out one. Ask yourself how is Obama going to improve the economy? Well we can only go on what he said he is going to do improve the conomey. The bulk of his progam is giving big tax cuts to coportation that dont deserve them. Many states like Michigan and Indiana have been doing that for years and it hasnt worked. He now says he will give tax breaks to Automobile companies that produce successful energy efficent cars. John MaCain said he would do that 2 months ago. Big Oil is Obama's main benefactor and Obama isnt going to levy any taxes that they wouldn't like. As a matter of fact he voted for George Bush's energy bill that would give them(Big Oil) big tax breaks. John MaCain voted against it. I hear people complain constantly about government corrpution. How can someone vote for Obama if there tired of corruption in goverment. Because Obama is backed by unions that are assoicted and controlled by oraganize crime. Our worst enemy Saudi Arabia controlls the media in the United States and they are backing Obama to the hilt. That is why he gets so much press coverage. A vote for Obama is a panic vote. What Iam asking you to do is think about your actions before you vote. In Michigan the voters were told not to vote for the present Governor because she was owned by the mafia. People were scared because they lost their jobs and houses and they didn't listen and out of panic and fear voted for a Democrat who really was a mafia politican. Today Jennifer Granholm has a 20% approaval and most Michigan voters say she has made things worse. So think before you vote.
Friday, August 08, 2008
John MaCain and The Economy
The United States is threading in tough economic waters and voters are concerned and afraid. Many have lost their jobs and houses and want some kind of reassurance from their presidential candidate that he has a plan that can lead the country backed to prosperty and economic health. John MaCain has shown so far that he is the better candidate. He is in control of what is going on around him while Dr.Obama is pulled from one bad situation to another. Obama is not in control of his surroundings. This is very similar to what happened to him in the primaires. However voters have one main objection to MaCain that he must deal with and answer or risk losing the election. Votes want reassurance that he is capable of dealing with America's economic turmoil. Carly Forina as an economic adviser is not the answner. Lucent and Hewlit Packard were both in shambles when she left as chairmen. She is now taking credit for Helwit Packards current success. That is like saying Lee Iaccoas predesors at Chryler laid the ground work for his success at turning the company around. The people who came in after she was forced out cleaned up her mess at Hewlit Packard. MaCain must now bring in top notch economic advisers and develop a plan that shows the American people he is on top of the situation and is capable of turning the economy around.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Time Magazine is So Off The Mark It Should Be Shot
Time Magazine recently critized Google for dumbing down the American people. Time is owned by Time-Warner a company that our Saudi masters have invested heavly in. The Saudis even though the fiancial returns on their media investments are small if there are any at all consider the money well spent. Why? So they can influence American public opinion. After 9-11 it wasnt Saudi Arabia the the United States retaliated against but Iraq a country that had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks. There is very substanial proof and documentation that shows very heavy Saudi involvment in the attacks. But because of the great Saudi influnce in American media companies a good bullsit story was concocted that downplayed this role and framed Iraq as the villian. A recent Time magazine cover called the Afaganstan War the right war. The right war would have been a seizue by American forces of Saudi oil fields for their partcipation in the 9-11 attacks. The Time Magazine of today in terms of quality news coverage is a joke that dosent even come close to the magazine Henry Grumwald edited. The fact is that Americans arent as informed as well as they need to be. And Time Magazine shares much of the blame. The Economist an English publication replaced it a long time ago as the worlds premier magazine for current events and news.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Neville Chamberland:Was he Right? Could World War II Been Prevented
A small group of historians have recently said that had the allies tryed to talk or negoiate with Hitler in the thirties that there is a chance World War II may have been prevented. What is interesting is that this observation is being made now well after the war. In the 1930's it was really hard to tell how crazy Hitler really was. The Holocost hadnt happened and anti-semtitsm was rampant through out Europe. So Hitler and Germany werent way out of step with was going on in other surrounding countries. England's Royal family met and supported Hitler. American Charles Lindbergh had voiced support for Hitler and the Olympics which were going to be held in Germany were right around the corner. And American financiers like Bert Walker where raising money to rebuld Germany's defense industry. Yet there was one man. One very vocal man. A master poltician who saw right thru Hitler and could see the evil and treachery that lie bneath the charming facade. He refused to meet with Hitler and lashed out any Englishmen who supported negations with Hitler. Hitler badly wanted Winsaton Churchill to give in and support an allience with Germany. Churchill became the war Prime Minister of England primarily because of his early oppositon to Hitler's Germany. The question is what did he see so vividly that others missed about Hitler at that early stage of Hitler's rule. Looking back at Hitler's broken agreements and his irrational lunatic behavior I don't see how anyone could now think Hitler was a man that you could do business with. Stalin tried and failed. The relgious leaders of Iran are now starting to behave and talk in the same irrational way as Hitler. And suprizelingly their is an American presidential candidate who thinks peace with Iran is possable through negotiation. Is Barack Obama the next Neville Chamberland?
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Baby Doc Obama: The Great Pretender
He gets up in the morning and leathers up with shaving suds,takes out the straight razor and begins shaving. He tries to do it just likes the big guys. But there is no blade in the razor and nothing but peach fuzz under the shaving foam. None the less Dr.Obama pretends he is shaving just like a big guy. Dr.Obama pretends that he is a candidate for president. He really never won his parties nomination because it was stolen from the rightful winner Hillory Clinton. None the less Dr Obama gives speeches about issues he really dosent understand and pretends he is a leader. He dosent really know how to lead that is why his positions on important issure change course like the wind. Never the less he pretends knowledge and wisdom hoping the general public wont catch on that he dosent know what he is talking about. After all the Saudi controlled press is always there to protect and brush over his mistakes. But Dr Obama's mistakes are starting to serface anyway and some cant be covered up like the juvenile attempt at making peace with America's most bitter enimies by simply sending them a bouguet of flowers with a peace sign on the package. How touching. The Iranians laughed their ass off. On the other hand John MaCain has shown the one thing desperatly missing in Dr.Obama's campaign and that is leadership. McCain has shown that he is in control unlike Obama who gets whippsawed from one issue to another. MaCain has said he would be a Ted Rosevelt Republican which as a liberal Democrat I see nothing wrong with and quite refreshing.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Whats Cooken In Beverly Hills Ca
The Beverly Hills big shots have always stood in the way of a subway to the sea down Wilshire Blvd. And that is one of the main reasons the subway was never built even though their is a crying need for a subway. Most of west Los Angeles'traffic problems would be improved if not solved by a Wilshire Blvd subway. Zev Yaroslavsky is the main power behind the Mta and Beverly Hills makes up a big part of his district. There isnt any question Zev has used his power to block the subway Why? Beverly Hills dosent want poor Mexican and Blacks traipsing around the city and devaluing there property. Yes if they really wanted to come to Beverly Hills and walk thru Rodeo Drive they could just take a bus. But buses are slow and cumbersome and eat up a lot of time. A subway is fast and sleet and in a matter of mintues some one downtown could be in Beverly Hills. The solution is simple just build the subway without a stop in Beverly Hills. In other words the subway would go strait thru the city without stopping in Beverly Hills. Since most subway riders dont live in Beverly Hills no one would give shit and the citizens of Beverly Hills would have their beloved city to themselves.>>>>> The new Hotel on Wilshire Blvd. in Beverly Hills Ca is almost finished and guess what? It is a dog. A face really only a mother could love. A new kmarts or Wallmarts has more design to it than that thing. It really is time to get the paint brush out and throw some paint on it. I hope it dosent ruin real estate mogul Donald Sterlings $500 a day lunches. His office building is right next to it. Although it was built with public money nobody got paid off to build it even though its pure shlock. The dummies in Beverly Hills voted to pay for it with their own money. Watch out when rich people vote. And they voted to take tax payer money and build that sucker. I think eveuntaly it wind up as half house or welfare hotel. Just what Beverly Hills needs!!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Los Angeles Mayor Antionio Vee: The Love Machine
Mayor Antonio Vee is a love machine who works only for the real estate developers of Los Angeles and they take good care of him. They shtooped his campaign coffers with plenty of rubles. One good turn deserves another. The real estate developers in Los Angeles lierally have taken over the cities pension fund and are using the money in a way that it wasnt intended for. Pension Plan money is supposed to be invested very carefully in prudent investment that are very conservative in nature. Downtown building progects that are subject to a variety of risky trends arent an example prudent investing but rather are an example of fly by the seat or your pants investing. And yet that is where a good chunk of the cities pension plan ended up . Thanks to mayor Antinio Vee. The city literally takes a bat and beats the average citizen with it as they collect parking ticket money.So what does Mayor Antionio Vee do with the money he extorts from the citizens of Los Angeles? He gives it to real estate backer frineds. He just gave 11 million dollars to the owner of a flee bag hotel downtown to fix it up. But the owner isnt obligated to make the repairs. He can still keep the money with out making any repairs. Is it any wonder Antionio Vee is rich
Dr.Obama Is Like the Wind:He Changes Direction Often
Dr.Obama is now making promises that he can't keep to get elected. Get real. There isnt going to be any windfall tax on the oil companies if he gets elected no matter what he says. They are the ones (Big Oil) who gave him the money to run for a president. Politicians dont bite the hand that feeds them. They just dont. Its just plain election rhetoric. And thats all it is. Dr.Obama was friends for over 20 years with the Rev.Wright and soon as a little Presidential election comes along Dr.Obama dropped him like the plague. Dr.Obama's plans to get the economy rolling again also are highly suspect. He said he is going to give huge tax breaks to Gm to help them. But is that really helping them or more like subsidizing bad management. Rick Wagoner is in way over his head and keeping him in that job isnt the way to save Gm. The truth is Dr.Obama dosent have a realistic economic plan to save our ecnomy. John MaCain's plan makes much more sense. He told Gm if you produce cars that people want to buy I will help you. I believe engine Charlie Wilson was right when he said whats good for Gm is good for the country. And Rick Wagoner as chairmen of Gm isnt good for Gm or the country. Dr.Obama's plan for fixing the economy subsidizes bad management