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Saturday, August 06, 2011


1)The stalemate over raising the debt limit showed how ineffective the system is. The strong simply overpowered the weak to get what they wanted which was no new taxes for the rich. Wall St and world investors didnt buy into it and showed their displeasure by withdrawing fom the American stock market. Dr.Obama although right about wanting to end the Bush tax cuts was to weak to do anything about it. He caved big time to the corporate special interest groups.
2).In California it was business as usual as the special interest groups that run the state delivered a budget which was almost exactly what that the previous Gov.the wishy washy Arnold would have signed off on. The new old Gov.Jerry Brown simply followed the same pattern as the administration he replaced which is to simply balance the budget on the backs of the poor and middle class and protect the rich and the influntial. As we said previouslybefore Brown became Governor The Detroit Times correctly predicted that he would protect jails and cut schools. The potlickes wouldnt believe us and voted for him.
3.)In Michigan Governor Bullshit said Detroit welcomed immigrants after New York Mayor Bloomberg embrassed the state with his comments that Detroit needed more immigrants. Detroit has failed to attract any new immigrants in years. The immigrants Michigan's Govenor highlighted to show that Detroit truly was a melting pot of different ethnic groups came to the city in the 1920's and have since moved out of it.
Governor Bullshit fighting a recall campaign should have admitted the truth that Detroit is simply unlivable for anyone and that it must be fixed.
These 3 signs of a poltical system that isnt working are just the tip of the ice berg. There are many more to numerous to mention that show a system that is cracking and falling apart.
The French Revelution was stated by the middle class