America Dont Panic
Many Americans have lost their homes and jobs and now are afraid and uncertain of whats to come. Its ok to have fear. A long time ago a man said when times where a lot toughter than they are now,"the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin Roosevelt was really saying while you maybe scared just dont panic. And panic desciions with out thinking things thru is still a dangeouus thing to do today. A vote for Clarence(the kid) Obama is a panic decison that isnt a very well thought out one. Ask yourself how is Obama going to improve the economy? Well we can only go on what he said he is going to do improve the conomey. The bulk of his progam is giving big tax cuts to coportation that dont deserve them. Many states like Michigan and Indiana have been doing that for years and it hasnt worked. He now says he will give tax breaks to Automobile companies that produce successful energy efficent cars. John MaCain said he would do that 2 months ago. Big Oil is Obama's main benefactor and Obama isnt going to levy any taxes that they wouldn't like. As a matter of fact he voted for George Bush's energy bill that would give them(Big Oil) big tax breaks. John MaCain voted against it. I hear people complain constantly about government corrpution. How can someone vote for Obama if there tired of corruption in goverment. Because Obama is backed by unions that are assoicted and controlled by oraganize crime. Our worst enemy Saudi Arabia controlls the media in the United States and they are backing Obama to the hilt. That is why he gets so much press coverage. A vote for Obama is a panic vote. What Iam asking you to do is think about your actions before you vote. In Michigan the voters were told not to vote for the present Governor because she was owned by the mafia. People were scared because they lost their jobs and houses and they didn't listen and out of panic and fear voted for a Democrat who really was a mafia politican. Today Jennifer Granholm has a 20% approaval and most Michigan voters say she has made things worse. So think before you vote.
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