Baby Doc Obama: The Great Pretender
He gets up in the morning and leathers up with shaving suds,takes out the straight razor and begins shaving. He tries to do it just likes the big guys. But there is no blade in the razor and nothing but peach fuzz under the shaving foam. None the less Dr.Obama pretends he is shaving just like a big guy. Dr.Obama pretends that he is a candidate for president. He really never won his parties nomination because it was stolen from the rightful winner Hillory Clinton. None the less Dr Obama gives speeches about issues he really dosent understand and pretends he is a leader. He dosent really know how to lead that is why his positions on important issure change course like the wind. Never the less he pretends knowledge and wisdom hoping the general public wont catch on that he dosent know what he is talking about. After all the Saudi controlled press is always there to protect and brush over his mistakes. But Dr Obama's mistakes are starting to serface anyway and some cant be covered up like the juvenile attempt at making peace with America's most bitter enimies by simply sending them a bouguet of flowers with a peace sign on the package. How touching. The Iranians laughed their ass off. On the other hand John MaCain has shown the one thing desperatly missing in Dr.Obama's campaign and that is leadership. McCain has shown that he is in control unlike Obama who gets whippsawed from one issue to another. MaCain has said he would be a Ted Rosevelt Republican which as a liberal Democrat I see nothing wrong with and quite refreshing.
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