Neville Chamberland:Was he Right? Could World War II Been Prevented
A small group of historians have recently said that had the allies tryed to talk or negoiate with Hitler in the thirties that there is a chance World War II may have been prevented. What is interesting is that this observation is being made now well after the war. In the 1930's it was really hard to tell how crazy Hitler really was. The Holocost hadnt happened and anti-semtitsm was rampant through out Europe. So Hitler and Germany werent way out of step with was going on in other surrounding countries. England's Royal family met and supported Hitler. American Charles Lindbergh had voiced support for Hitler and the Olympics which were going to be held in Germany were right around the corner. And American financiers like Bert Walker where raising money to rebuld Germany's defense industry. Yet there was one man. One very vocal man. A master poltician who saw right thru Hitler and could see the evil and treachery that lie bneath the charming facade. He refused to meet with Hitler and lashed out any Englishmen who supported negations with Hitler. Hitler badly wanted Winsaton Churchill to give in and support an allience with Germany. Churchill became the war Prime Minister of England primarily because of his early oppositon to Hitler's Germany. The question is what did he see so vividly that others missed about Hitler at that early stage of Hitler's rule. Looking back at Hitler's broken agreements and his irrational lunatic behavior I don't see how anyone could now think Hitler was a man that you could do business with. Stalin tried and failed. The relgious leaders of Iran are now starting to behave and talk in the same irrational way as Hitler. And suprizelingly their is an American presidential candidate who thinks peace with Iran is possable through negotiation. Is Barack Obama the next Neville Chamberland?
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