John MaCain and The Economy
The United States is threading in tough economic waters and voters are concerned and afraid. Many have lost their jobs and houses and want some kind of reassurance from their presidential candidate that he has a plan that can lead the country backed to prosperty and economic health. John MaCain has shown so far that he is the better candidate. He is in control of what is going on around him while Dr.Obama is pulled from one bad situation to another. Obama is not in control of his surroundings. This is very similar to what happened to him in the primaires. However voters have one main objection to MaCain that he must deal with and answer or risk losing the election. Votes want reassurance that he is capable of dealing with America's economic turmoil. Carly Forina as an economic adviser is not the answner. Lucent and Hewlit Packard were both in shambles when she left as chairmen. She is now taking credit for Helwit Packards current success. That is like saying Lee Iaccoas predesors at Chryler laid the ground work for his success at turning the company around. The people who came in after she was forced out cleaned up her mess at Hewlit Packard. MaCain must now bring in top notch economic advisers and develop a plan that shows the American people he is on top of the situation and is capable of turning the economy around.
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