The Democrates Are Going to Lose WIth Obama
Baby Doc Obama is not the candidate that will bring victory to the Democrates in November. MaCain whether voters agree with him on policy and issues or not has shown them that based on ability he is the superior candidate. What good is having a candiate that you agree with if he cant do the work. And that is clearly the problem with Obama. Its clear from his reaction to recent issues and events that right now he just isnt capable of doing the work. Maybe he needs more learning and experience than he has right now. Obama takes a stance on an issue then when its proven that he is wrong he backpedals and second guesses himself. And now labor leader Andy Stern's union who is one of his biggest backers is embroiled in a major corruption scandal. Just what Obama needs at a time when he is accused of playing footsey with unions assoicated with organized crime. The solution for the Democrates,ifen they want to win in November is to give the nomination back to the candidate the voters picked. Hillory Clinton won the nomination the right way by being selected by the voters and not by some fucked up secret selction process the way Dr.Obama was picked.
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