Obama Bin Laden For President of The United States
I must say it has an interesting ring to it. And it may not be that far off the mark. After all the Moslem world has wiped the floor with the United States. They control our economy. Saudi Arabia has a foot in just about every major U.S. corportation and indusry and Moslem influnce is almost everywhere. While iam not insinuating that Baby Doc Obama is a Moslem or even sympathic to the Moslem world he certainly is their choice for president. Will the U.S follow the dictates of their global masters(the radical Moslems) or start doing their own thinking? Its hard to say. The aftermath of 9-11 was scary especially after Saudi-Arabia bombed the shit out of Nyc and there was no retailation by America. The Moslem world is out thinking the U.S. They beat us in Iraq,bombed an American city,and contiue to terrorize us. When Osama Bin Laden makes a threat we jump regardless of the cost. So it isnt out of the question for the American people to elect a president who is very well supported by the Al-Quaida faction of the moslem world.>>>>>>>Joe Biden is Obama's vice-president choice and another mistake in judgement by Obama . Biden is a motor mouth who makes mistate after mistake and can talk for hours and say nothing. Obama's choice fits in well with all the other mistakes he has made during the campaign
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