Time Magazine is So Off The Mark It Should Be Shot
Time Magazine recently critized Google for dumbing down the American people. Time is owned by Time-Warner a company that our Saudi masters have invested heavly in. The Saudis even though the fiancial returns on their media investments are small if there are any at all consider the money well spent. Why? So they can influence American public opinion. After 9-11 it wasnt Saudi Arabia the the United States retaliated against but Iraq a country that had nothing to do with the 9-11 attacks. There is very substanial proof and documentation that shows very heavy Saudi involvment in the attacks. But because of the great Saudi influnce in American media companies a good bullsit story was concocted that downplayed this role and framed Iraq as the villian. A recent Time magazine cover called the Afaganstan War the right war. The right war would have been a seizue by American forces of Saudi oil fields for their partcipation in the 9-11 attacks. The Time Magazine of today in terms of quality news coverage is a joke that dosent even come close to the magazine Henry Grumwald edited. The fact is that Americans arent as informed as well as they need to be. And Time Magazine shares much of the blame. The Economist an English publication replaced it a long time ago as the worlds premier magazine for current events and news.
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