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Friday, August 01, 2008

Los Angeles Mayor Antionio Vee: The Love Machine

Mayor Antonio Vee is a love machine who works only for the real estate developers of Los Angeles and they take good care of him. They shtooped his campaign coffers with plenty of rubles. One good turn deserves another. The real estate developers in Los Angeles lierally have taken over the cities pension fund and are using the money in a way that it wasnt intended for. Pension Plan money is supposed to be invested very carefully in prudent investment that are very conservative in nature. Downtown building progects that are subject to a variety of risky trends arent an example prudent investing but rather are an example of fly by the seat or your pants investing. And yet that is where a good chunk of the cities pension plan ended up . Thanks to mayor Antinio Vee. The city literally takes a bat and beats the average citizen with it as they collect parking ticket money.So what does Mayor Antionio Vee do with the money he extorts from the citizens of Los Angeles? He gives it to real estate backer frineds. He just gave 11 million dollars to the owner of a flee bag hotel downtown to fix it up. But the owner isnt obligated to make the repairs. He can still keep the money with out making any repairs. Is it any wonder Antionio Vee is rich