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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I never understood his genius. He lost in 2000 despite having a big money advantage over Gore's campaign. If that phat dago Anthony(the cock) Scalia hadnt stolen the election Gore would be president. So how is he a genius
HIllory's grip is tightening while Obama's is weakening
Obama clearly isnt in control of his campaign and is reacting to events instead of influencing them which is the type of presidency we have now. This country needs a strong president who is clearly in charge and is able to steer the ship in the right direction no matter how turbulent the waters are.That has never happened with George Bush and Obama's campaigned is headed right into the rocks.<<<<>>>>>>Gm lost money again and its stock went up.It actually was a very bad quarter for Gm. Gm is still burning thru cash and that really is the mark of its success or failure. Analist excpect them to have 15billion at the end of the year, which means the end is close by. They will have to be liquated or merged.
Monday, April 28, 2008
May 2 Is National Potlicker Day
James P. Hoffa and the teamsters union will lead a march down Pennsylvania Ave. on May 2 to commerate National Potlicker day which is a national holdiay.>>>>>>>>>The Democrates must hold new primary elections in Michigan and Florida. That is the only way closure will be brought to the primary elections. Ifen voters are penealized because Howie screwed up they just may stay home in November.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Voters Should Pick The Candidates
Voters in Michigan are being denied their right to vote not because of any fault of their own but because some burecratic big shots in the Democratic party screwed up. The only solution to the problems in Michigan and Florida is to have the primaries in those state all over again with the Democratic party paying the cost of the elections since it was their fault. Howard Dean has to be one of the worst Democratic chairmen in a long time and the voters shouldnt be penalized because of incomptence. I'am sure Dr. Obama would want to win this thing because the voters wanted him rather then on sum technicality that deprived people in Michigan and Florida the right to vote. He has said repeatedly that he can win in Democratic states based on his polling data well here is chance to prove it. I find myself agreeing with Al Sharpton. I dont know a lot about the case but it seems that the police were overly aggresisve. Government should be afraid of the people and not people afraid of the government. Police agressiveness and unfairly targeting certain individuals is a step closier to police state.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Money and How It Can Influence An Election
The big shot money backers are trying to influence the election in favor of Obama. They are pouring money into his campaign and taking it away from Hillory. The people in Pennsylvania were smart enough to see what was happening in their state and voted for Hillory inspite of Obama outspending her 4 to 1. Where did Obama's money come from? BIG OIL!!!!!!! They are making a ton of money at $4 a gallon and want to keep it that way for a long time. AND OBAMA IS THEIR CANDIATE. The stragedy is simple destroy her campaign by bleeding all the money they can from it. The real reason Al Gore didnt run in 2004 wasnt because he couldnt get elected on the contrary he had the support of most Democrates, it was because he couldnt raise the money to run. Big oil, wall street, the real estate developers and the military-industrial complex pay for the plotical campaigns and if you dont represent their interests then forget about running. WE the people must show them this times it isnt going to work and back Hillory Clinton's campaign.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Job Loss Is The Major Issue of The Campaign
The key issue of this presidential campaign is still finding a solution to the tremondous loss of important industries and good paying jobs . Industies and jobs that American corporations sent overseas have left the American people in econmic distress. I think if Hillory Clinton presents a solution that deals with this problem she can easily win the nomination. The sub-prime disaster is just a symptom of this big job loss>>>>>>>>>>>>>It looks like the way to make money in gold is to sell it. Gold may soon trade around the $800 area and looks like the stock market could go higher.
When Will Obama Call It Quits?
Obama now has lost in every major state that has a high concontration of Democrates. Ifen he cant win now in those states why do so called analyists think he going to win there in November. The states he has won in will be easy victories for the Republican candidate in the presidential election. Obama's position on important issues and the fact he has been bought and paid for by the wall street bankers and big oil just dosent resonate with Democratic voters. It really is time for the Democratic heiracy to tell Obama its over for him. His main supporters Afro-American will stay Democrates. However I think the Democratic party has to do a better job of making them feel welcome in the party. But there has been very few politicans that have championed black causes as much as the Clintons. And thats why I think blacks will stay with the party. But it is time for Obama to step out of the race. And the big shots in the party should tell him that. The problem is they are controlled by big oil money just like Obama.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Obama reeks from the smell of big oil money in his pocket. He lies when he says he hasnt received mony from big oil. The reason he was able to out spend Mrs Clinton in Penn. by 3 to 1 is because of big oil and wall street money pouring into his campaign. Obama has spent more money in Penn then any presidential candidate ever has in the state. And its because of big oil. If your tired of paying 4 dollars a gallon for gas and sick of a sour economy and bad foreign policy than vote for Hillory Clinton. In the 1990's her husband took a bad economy and brought us prosperty and the Clinton's will again do the same thing if elected. This country's democracy was started in Pennsylvania and could end here if the democrates pick the wrong person. Obama clearly hasnt shown the judgement to be president. For 20 years he listened to the most rascist, anti semtic sermons and called the man who gave those sermons his mentor and best friend. What kind of wisdon and judgement is that?
Friday, April 18, 2008
Could the nomination process be rigged in Obama's favor
Ifen the Democratic primaries where winner take all like the Republicans do it Hillary would have a huge lead in delgates but because the democrates play horsey shoes with there primary election a Republican candidate like Obama is winning in the delegate count. Obama views dont reflect or repesent the politcal stance that most democrates have on important issures. Obama is a big supporter of building NUCULAR POWERPLANTS which most democrates are against. In a new Time magazine poll released after Sammy(cue ball)Zell's LA Times poll showed Hillory with an 9 point lead over Obama in Pennsylvania. Sammy a big supporter of Obama had Hillory with a 4 0r 5 point lead in his poll. If she wins Penn then really she should be the nominnee. She has won every major state. Obama's support comes form the Repubican electorate and not true democratices. Sure u have that pot-licker James Hoffa Jr. supporting and campaigning for Obama but didnt he also do the same for George Bush? What a POTLICKER!!!!!! If the Democratic big shots rigg the nomination process belive me there wont be a Democrate in the white house next year or in Congress in 2 years.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The U.S. Needs an Industrial Policy
The United States today is in a period of readjustment or transition called agonizing reapprasiel. For years the American people where told by economic pundits that we couldnt afford our life style. Well the chickens have come home to roost and now we are forced to confront the reality that we cant pay for what we buy with our present income. The main reason is that Americans bought into that horse shit that we live in a world economy and its ok to ship our high paying jobs over seas. We are the only major econmoy to do that. Shipp our good jobs oversesas and now we are stuck with minminum wage shit. James Hoffa the president of the teamsters should be horse whipped for supporting a president who gave good paying teamster jobs to mexican truck drivers. The question is now how do we get our strong economy back that once supported a middle class life style for many Americans. The most immediate thing the public can do is to vote for Hillary Clinton. Her husband in the 1990's took a bad economy and turned it around bringing great prosperty to the United States. Another solution to our problems could come from a page of our own history. Bernard Baruch has been billed as the worlds greatest investor which he never really was. Yes he was a wealthy man who made his fortune as a wall street investor but also at times he experienced great failures that wasn't written about. Although Baruch is overrated as as investor he knew American industry better than almost anyone of his day and he also knew and understood poltics. His best friend President Wilson appointed him charimen of the War Industries Board which was supposed to get the country ready to fight World War I. This appointment effectively meant he had complete control of of America's industries. Baruch because of his vast understanding of the economy and American industry used his position not only to prepare the country to fight a war but also to modernize and rebuild Americas Industrial might. Many of the things he forced industry to do are still being done today. What the United States needs today is an industrial policy which will modernize our economy and make it more competitve without losing good paying jobs overseas. Somebody like Barach must be found again to act as cayalist for making change happen. If we dont do this today what is going to happen tommorrow. Will we see more areas like Detroit and Pittsburgh becoming ghost towns or rust belts? That why its important to act now. Obama isnt an agent for change. On the contrary he is just the opposite. He is bought and paid for by the corporations that benefit the most from the statusque like the oil industry who has poured millions into his campaign. Hillory Clinton really is an agent for change and that is why people want to preserve the United States should vote for her.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Los Angeles Times Poll is more bullshit
The Los Angeles Times poll showing Obama ahead in Indiana and Penn. has to be taken very lightly when you considsor who sponsored and paid for it. The Los Angeles Times since Sammy(sperm head)Zell has taken over it has shown considerable bias against Hillory Clinton's campaign. I certainly believe those bias's have gotten into the polling numbers. In the California primary Sammy's papers predicted Obama would win by ten points and it turns out Hillory was the winner by 10%. If Sammy is going to make money with his new toy he has to be more creative.. Sorry Sammy do a better job
Monday, April 14, 2008
It was over for Obama a long time ago
Obama really lost when the California and New York primaries were over with. A democratic candidate who cant win in those key states really isnt a viable candidate at all. Because in the presidential election almost dosent count like in the primaries. And those two states are a must win for a Democrat in a presidential election. What helped keep Obama's candidancy going was the support and slanted coverage by the big news media. Sammy(curly)Zell's new toy his media empire was very biased in its coverage of Obama and Clinton. Sammy obviously favored Obama and it could cost him. He could lose more than his pants. The La times will lose readership. Sammy will proably lose his wallet over the way he is running his media empire. Sammy a good tip for is that you have to put something of news value in there if you expect people to buy the paper. The few advertizers u have left will desert u altogether if people stop reading the paper.>>>>>> The stock market could still rally in the coming weeks. There has been a lot bad news that it absorbed without a really big drop. It still in a bear market
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
The Very Last Chance
The mess this country is in can be traced back really to one man George Bush. He has ruined both our economy and our standing in world affairs. He got us into a totally unnecesary war in Iraq that will cost into the trillions. Money that could have been used to rebuild our economy will now to pay for the Iraq war. He shipped thousands of good paying jobs overseas and now many Americans dont earn enough to pay there living expenses. We are now at a crossroad or fork in the road. If Americans make the wrong turn we could end up in a depression or worse losing what is left of our democracy. Mr. Obama claims to be a man of the people. He curently is outspending Hillory 5 to 1 in Pennsylvania. Where did the money come from? The internet? People just making 5 and 10 dollar contributiuons? That is what Obamas handlers would like you to think. The same Arab and big Wall Street investors that backed George Bush are now backing Obama to the hilt. That is where the money came form so he could outspend Hillory in Pennsylvania. When the voters in Pennsylvania go to vote in the primary they must realize there is no safety net if there wrong.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
The Bill Richardson Affair
Bill Clinton fired Bill Richardson when he was Sec. of Energy because the Chinese were literally walking off in broad day light with all of our top atomic and nucular energy secreats. Classified atomic bomb material was ending up in Chinese hands while Bill Richardson was Sec of the Energy. If Clinton hadnt fired him he proably would have endorsed Hillory Clinton and the Chinese would have been our night partners in the making of atomic bombs. They would have known all of classified information concerning the makeing atomic weapons. In other words Bill Richardson was a bad Sec of Energy and deserved to be fired and that is why he didnt endorse Hillory Clinton. The momentum is clearly behind Hillory for president. The New York Times shows Obama losing steam and support while Hillory is gaining it. When Obama had a big lead in Indiana papers like Usa Today said Indiana was the test state for him to win. He is now way behind in Indiana so Usa Today moved the test state to North Carolina which is a state where blacks compose most of the Democratic party and are suprizingly still soldily behind him even though he has never done much to improve opportunties for black people except for belonging to the Rev Wrights church. >>>>>>. There is soon going to be a big rally in the stock market.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Oprah and the Rev.Wright Ruined Obama
Obama is now behind in Indiana a state he needed to win. Voters arent going to elect in this day and age someone whose spirtual mentor is a racist of the worst kind and a preacher of racial hatred. The children in Rev. Wrights congregation what are they going to grow up thinking about white christens and jews? Its hate propaganda of the worst kind. And Obama sat there listening to Rev.Wright for 20 years. Did any of it rob off on him? He was there listening to it for 20yeasrs. There are hundreds if not thousands of black churches in Chicago who fill a spritual need without using hate in there sermons. And yet Obama picked one of the few that had a hater as its leader. What kind of judgement is that. Its time for the leadership in the black community to step forward and tell Obama its over with and he cant win. The white Republican controlled press pretends that nothing has happened and that Obama hasnt been damaged. Talk to the people in Indiana. They are saying something completely different. And I dont mean the polls or pollsters. I mean the actual voters. The polls surpizingly even some legitmiate ones have been way off the mark in the Democratic primaries.