It was over for Obama a long time ago
Obama really lost when the California and New York primaries were over with. A democratic candidate who cant win in those key states really isnt a viable candidate at all. Because in the presidential election almost dosent count like in the primaries. And those two states are a must win for a Democrat in a presidential election. What helped keep Obama's candidancy going was the support and slanted coverage by the big news media. Sammy(curly)Zell's new toy his media empire was very biased in its coverage of Obama and Clinton. Sammy obviously favored Obama and it could cost him. He could lose more than his pants. The La times will lose readership. Sammy will proably lose his wallet over the way he is running his media empire. Sammy a good tip for is that you have to put something of news value in there if you expect people to buy the paper. The few advertizers u have left will desert u altogether if people stop reading the paper.>>>>>> The stock market could still rally in the coming weeks. There has been a lot bad news that it absorbed without a really big drop. It still in a bear market
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