The Bill Richardson Affair
Bill Clinton fired Bill Richardson when he was Sec. of Energy because the Chinese were literally walking off in broad day light with all of our top atomic and nucular energy secreats. Classified atomic bomb material was ending up in Chinese hands while Bill Richardson was Sec of the Energy. If Clinton hadnt fired him he proably would have endorsed Hillory Clinton and the Chinese would have been our night partners in the making of atomic bombs. They would have known all of classified information concerning the makeing atomic weapons. In other words Bill Richardson was a bad Sec of Energy and deserved to be fired and that is why he didnt endorse Hillory Clinton. The momentum is clearly behind Hillory for president. The New York Times shows Obama losing steam and support while Hillory is gaining it. When Obama had a big lead in Indiana papers like Usa Today said Indiana was the test state for him to win. He is now way behind in Indiana so Usa Today moved the test state to North Carolina which is a state where blacks compose most of the Democratic party and are suprizingly still soldily behind him even though he has never done much to improve opportunties for black people except for belonging to the Rev Wrights church. >>>>>>. There is soon going to be a big rally in the stock market.
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