Oprah and the Rev.Wright Ruined Obama
Obama is now behind in Indiana a state he needed to win. Voters arent going to elect in this day and age someone whose spirtual mentor is a racist of the worst kind and a preacher of racial hatred. The children in Rev. Wrights congregation what are they going to grow up thinking about white christens and jews? Its hate propaganda of the worst kind. And Obama sat there listening to Rev.Wright for 20 years. Did any of it rob off on him? He was there listening to it for 20yeasrs. There are hundreds if not thousands of black churches in Chicago who fill a spritual need without using hate in there sermons. And yet Obama picked one of the few that had a hater as its leader. What kind of judgement is that. Its time for the leadership in the black community to step forward and tell Obama its over with and he cant win. The white Republican controlled press pretends that nothing has happened and that Obama hasnt been damaged. Talk to the people in Indiana. They are saying something completely different. And I dont mean the polls or pollsters. I mean the actual voters. The polls surpizingly even some legitmiate ones have been way off the mark in the Democratic primaries.
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