The Very Last Chance
The mess this country is in can be traced back really to one man George Bush. He has ruined both our economy and our standing in world affairs. He got us into a totally unnecesary war in Iraq that will cost into the trillions. Money that could have been used to rebuild our economy will now to pay for the Iraq war. He shipped thousands of good paying jobs overseas and now many Americans dont earn enough to pay there living expenses. We are now at a crossroad or fork in the road. If Americans make the wrong turn we could end up in a depression or worse losing what is left of our democracy. Mr. Obama claims to be a man of the people. He curently is outspending Hillory 5 to 1 in Pennsylvania. Where did the money come from? The internet? People just making 5 and 10 dollar contributiuons? That is what Obamas handlers would like you to think. The same Arab and big Wall Street investors that backed George Bush are now backing Obama to the hilt. That is where the money came form so he could outspend Hillory in Pennsylvania. When the voters in Pennsylvania go to vote in the primary they must realize there is no safety net if there wrong.
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