Obama reeks from the smell of big oil money in his pocket. He lies when he says he hasnt received mony from big oil. The reason he was able to out spend Mrs Clinton in Penn. by 3 to 1 is because of big oil and wall street money pouring into his campaign. Obama has spent more money in Penn then any presidential candidate ever has in the state. And its because of big oil. If your tired of paying 4 dollars a gallon for gas and sick of a sour economy and bad foreign policy than vote for Hillory Clinton. In the 1990's her husband took a bad economy and brought us prosperty and the Clinton's will again do the same thing if elected. This country's democracy was started in Pennsylvania and could end here if the democrates pick the wrong person. Obama clearly hasnt shown the judgement to be president. For 20 years he listened to the most rascist, anti semtic sermons and called the man who gave those sermons his mentor and best friend. What kind of wisdon and judgement is that?
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