Money and How It Can Influence An Election
The big shot money backers are trying to influence the election in favor of Obama. They are pouring money into his campaign and taking it away from Hillory. The people in Pennsylvania were smart enough to see what was happening in their state and voted for Hillory inspite of Obama outspending her 4 to 1. Where did Obama's money come from? BIG OIL!!!!!!! They are making a ton of money at $4 a gallon and want to keep it that way for a long time. AND OBAMA IS THEIR CANDIATE. The stragedy is simple destroy her campaign by bleeding all the money they can from it. The real reason Al Gore didnt run in 2004 wasnt because he couldnt get elected on the contrary he had the support of most Democrates, it was because he couldnt raise the money to run. Big oil, wall street, the real estate developers and the military-industrial complex pay for the plotical campaigns and if you dont represent their interests then forget about running. WE the people must show them this times it isnt going to work and back Hillory Clinton's campaign.
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