Could the nomination process be rigged in Obama's favor
Ifen the Democratic primaries where winner take all like the Republicans do it Hillary would have a huge lead in delgates but because the democrates play horsey shoes with there primary election a Republican candidate like Obama is winning in the delegate count. Obama views dont reflect or repesent the politcal stance that most democrates have on important issures. Obama is a big supporter of building NUCULAR POWERPLANTS which most democrates are against. In a new Time magazine poll released after Sammy(cue ball)Zell's LA Times poll showed Hillory with an 9 point lead over Obama in Pennsylvania. Sammy a big supporter of Obama had Hillory with a 4 0r 5 point lead in his poll. If she wins Penn then really she should be the nominnee. She has won every major state. Obama's support comes form the Repubican electorate and not true democratices. Sure u have that pot-licker James Hoffa Jr. supporting and campaigning for Obama but didnt he also do the same for George Bush? What a POTLICKER!!!!!! If the Democratic big shots rigg the nomination process belive me there wont be a Democrate in the white house next year or in Congress in 2 years.
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