The Mta's New Sink Hole for Taxpayer Money
The Mta's new transportation proposal sounds like a waste of money. There isnt any question that new rail tranportaion projects are needed if Los Angeles is to have sustainable growth. However,Mta board member Gloria Molina is right when she says the Mta plan wasnt thought out very good. The other problem is that Roger Snoble would be in charge of the 30billion dollar package. Its an understatement to call Roger a wastful spender. He makes the purchasing for agent for the Army who bought the $600 coffee pot look like a miser or cheapskate. Roger likes to spend money and dosent care if the tax payer isnt getting much in return. Its plain as the sun that Los Angeles needs an extension of the purple line down Wilshire to the sea. Lets start with that before we have to dump a lot of money into Rogers sink holes.
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