Hillory Clinton has the Momentum
Almost only counts in horse shoes and presidential primaries. The states Hillory Clinton has won has far more electorial college votes then the states that voted for Obama. And yet Obama has more delgate votes then Hillory. Why? Because almost counts in presidential primaries. Obama has won one state (washington) that is a tradional Democratic state and his backers in the Republican and Democratic parties are calling him the winner. What this shows is he cant win among Democratic voters. And if he cant win among these voters now he isnt going to inspire them to go to the polls November and vote for a Democratic. Obama is bascially a Republican in sheeps clothing and he isnt fooling Democratic voters. He represents the same big money corportions that got this country into so much trouble as George Bush. And that is why Hillory is winning among Democrates. Obama has to win in Pennsylvania or has a weak agrument for staying in the race. How can u be the Democratic nominee if you cant win among voters that tradionally vote Democratic in Presidential and Congressional elections. U CANT
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