Obama: A True Blue Friend
Obama has abondoned his good friend Rev. Wright when just 2 weeks ago he reafirmed his support of there frinedship after the Rev. was critizied as a Louis Farraken apologist. Now Obama said the Rev.'s statements after 9-11 where despicable and he didnt want anything to do with him any more . Okay the question is why didnt he say that when the Rev first made those descpicable statemnets instead of waiting 5years. Obama has been a member of the Rev. Wright church for 20 years . What is going to happen Oprah (gurl) now. She made very similiar statements after 9-11 as Rev. Wright. <<<<<<< THE ECONOMY Those that have read past colums here Know i have already talked about it IT IS BAD we are going into a depression Hillory Clinton must be elected or we could get buried
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