Obama and Race
Obama is a race man. He used it to enegerize and build his support in the black community and now its blown up in his face and may destroy his campaign. The Rev Wright is a racist and proably is anti-semtic which is good for building support among black voters but is hypocritical to white voters. A white presidential candidate from the south who belonged to a church where its minister was a stong sympthizer of the Klu Klux Clan wouldnt be tolerated today as a viable candidate. Yet Obama expects that his candidacy to be considered legitmate inspite of his support of Rev.Wright who is an admitted supporter of Louis (the charmer) Farakan who is openly racicst and anti-semetic. Whats good for the geese is good for the gander. If Obama truly wasnt sympethic to Rev.Wrights support for Louis Farakan he should have left the church. Obviously it wasnt that big a deal to him or he would have left Rev.Wright church or at least spoken against what he was saying.
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