Bush and Chalabi:An American president and Iranian spy
The information George Bush used to sell the Iraq war to the american people came from the gutter and Bush must have known that when he convinced the United States to go to war. The two main intellgence sources used for war information about Iraq came fron an Iraqi poltician Ahmed Chalabi and an informent used by German intelligence. Chalabi turned out to be an Iranian spy and the German government told Bush that its informant was totally unrelable and a liar. Based on this tainted intelligence the United States invaded Iraq. The question is did Bush actually believe what Chalabi was saying or did he use Chalabi's information to sell the war knowing it was untrue. In either case it makes George Bush look like a very impeachable president. This would be a good subject matter for an indepth magazine article. The very fact that an Iranian spy played such a key role in the United States invading Iraq is chilling. WE got rid one of Irans worst enemies without any cost to them. As a result Iran is now the super power in the middle east and will soon have nucular weapons without anyone to challenge them.
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