Parking Tickets in Los Angeles
If parking tickets are meant to severly punish motorists who make a mistake and park in the wrong space then a better way of doing it is tying them to a pick-up truck and dragging them across a field. That way for sure they wont forget to park in the wrong place again. The problem with that way of punishing motoritsts is that the Los Angeles city government wouldnt make any money doing that. Since there has to be a profit motive in it for the city which is controlled by the big real estate developers what they do is simply charge motorists enough to make them feel like they been tied to a pickup and draged across a field. Like that the city is able to make its profit and at the same time punish the motorist so they wont make that mistake again. Remember the city is balanciing its budget not on the backs of the real estate developers who caused the deficits but on the hides of poor smucks who just happened to park in the wrong in the spot. And if the city keeps practicing this way of punishing motorist who just happen to park in the wrong spot there is going to be law suits and refederums that place limits and restrictions on what citys can charge for parking tickets. The punishment has to fit the crime. In Los Angeles parking tickets are way to sever for the poor and middle class who receive most of them.
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