Iraq:The Only Way Out
The only way out of Iraq is for George Bush to be impeached. Marching against the war is really a waste of time that isnt going to change anything. The Democrates just like the Republicans are owned by big oil and the military contractors. And that is really who started the war and who wants to keep it going. That is George Bush's consitutency. It wasnt the American people who made him president. It was big oil who got the supreme court to give bush the presidency when it was really Al Gore who won the election. The Presidential Candidates= The two leading candidates showed be Validmer Putin and Wesly Clark. Validmer Putin because he has a clear vision of the truth. The last world leader to see things as clearly as Putin was Bill Clinton. I think one of the major reasons Bill Clinton was such a successful President was because he was good at sizing up world situtions accurately and seeing things as they where. George Bush is a yokel who believes his own bull shit. Wesely Clark was a very succcesful general who knows the military from the inside. He understands its capabilities and what it cant do. Currently he would be the most qualifed person to bring an end to the war without the United States getting totally screwed. Unfortantely he dosent do well campaigning. The average potlicker wouldnt vote for him for that reason. A yokel like George Bush straight out of Hee Haw would beat Wesly Clark for that reason.
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