California Wants Higher Gasoline Prices
Although crude oil has dropped over six dollars a barrel from where it was last year California motorists are paying over $3.oo a gallaon for gas and this can be traced to the election of Arnie the Panzie as Governor of the great state of California. Although it was made very clear to the voters that the oil companies were poring billions into Arnie the Panzies campaign the voters said we dont care how bad the oil companies are raping and gouging us we want Arnie the Panzie as our Governor. Well the people got there wish Arnie the Panzie is governor and they are paying over 3 bucks a gallon for gas and more to cum when the peak driving season hits. ++++Steven Spielburg and his comrads have backed Baracka Obama for President. That means vote for anybody but Obama. Spielburg refused to condem the Iraq War because he said he was a film maker and that polticis should be left to someone else. He also backed Arnie the Panzie even though Arnie is a conservative Republican who is backed by all the big money special interest groups.++++++++Validmer Putin is the most powerful and influential world leader today.++++++++The United States lost its automotive industry to its asian and european comepetitors because of bad leadership and we are in danger of losing the whole country for the same reason. The problem is the American people have trouble seeing the truth.
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