Los Angeles Didn't Deserver The Olympics
Los Angeles is run not for the benefit of its residents and citizens but for the good of the big real estate developers and there friends. The mayor and city council are nothing but shills for the construction and real estate developers who controll everything in Los Angeles. The city government literally beats the shit out the people who live there. The mayor currently is trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the middle class. The city gives out parking tickets like they where free advertizeing circulars. Many of the tickets are unfair and shouldnt have been issured. People dont fight them because its so difficult to win. The city is running a deficit that was caused by the city financing private real estate developer projects with public money. These projects dont gernerate enough money to pay off the bonds issued to finance them and the city is stuck with the bill. Parking tickets are an unfair burden on the poor and the middle class. They are extremely expansive for a middle class family to pay that kind of money. To a real estate deveolper who pocketed four or five million dollars of public money the parking tickets are chump change. There is now talk of the city being sued or a referundum started to limit the cost of parking tickets. Since the Los Angels mayor and city council are owned by the real estate developers it may be the only way to stop the maddness.
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