Impeach George Bush and End The War
I was supprized and pleased that the house passed a bill that could lead to the United States leaving Iraq and ending an unjust war. It was a weak bill And unfortuanely it wont accopplish anything other than to voice opposition to the war that is now unpopular with most Americans. George Bush simply will veto the bill and the war will continue. That is why the only way out of Iraq is the impeachment of George Bush. People must march for the impeacment of George Bush and that will be the way the war will be ended. As long as George Bush remains in office there war will continue. The whole premise behind the war was a lie that the gullable American people believed. There isnt any weapons of mass destrction in Iraq and even George Bush admits that now and yet the war continues. Why? Because George Bush is still President. Bill(Rosie) O'Rilley and Dennis(fat ass)Prager two of the many propangaists on talk radio who sold the war to the american people should visit the many soldgers that have been severly wounded in the Iraq war. Bill(Rosie)O'Rielly should put away her vibrator and skip her next vacation to Jamicica where she smokes some strong weed and lets her inhibations down and go to the hospitals and vistit the men and woman that have been serverly wounded in the war. Ms O'Rielly should see the results of the war that she talked the american people into.
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