Los Angeles:Death of a City
The real estate developers and big constuction companies are killing Los Angeles. The project slated for Grand Ave downtown which is heavly subiside with public money will be a big drag on the cities treasury just like the other big real estate developer projects built with public funds. Hollywood and Highland built by Denver resident Anshultz drains the cities treasury of tens of millions every year. Fortuanetly the Gestapo (the parking police) make up the difference with the exhorbtant parking tickets. Beady eyed evil Elli's project on Grand Ave will be even worse than Hollywood & Highland because even more public money and subisidies are being given to the greedy real estate developers project. Los Angeles should invest in the neighborhoods where there are people already living. The city looks very worn and is in need of genuine development that develops the foundation of the city (its neighborhoods.) Evil Ely and Anshultz are a danger to Los Angeles. Los Angeles has the best city council money can buy. All of them where backed directly or indirecty by evil Ely and Ansultz and that is why they were abel to walk off with the cities treasurey. I think even higher parking tickets are in order to pay for the Grand ave mess. City services will eventulally have to be cut to pay for the Grand Ave which will lead to a detorating city like in Detroit. Because of what Ansultz and evil Ely are doing Los Angeles could end up like Detroit a dying city with a bad economy. CALIFORNIA=The citizens of california have demosntrated a strong desire to pay more for gasoline when they elected Arnold the Panzy as govenor. Aronold was given millions by big oil. He isnt going to do anything to hurt the oil companies money machine. People in Ca are entitled to pay more for gasoiline its there desire.
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