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Monday, September 29, 2008

Wall Street:Complete Gall

The Wall Street establishment helped bribe the Supreme Ct. 8 years ago to make George Bush President. Bush's family goes back along way with Wall Street. Bert Walker,George Bush's great-grandpappy was a big mocker on the street in the 1930's. And now that Bush(OLD Ted Bundy Eyes)has failed miserably as President causing this giant financial mess with his negligent management style Wall Street now wants the public to bail them out for Georgie's mistakes. That takes Gall. Calling them ha sers(pigs) is an understatment.
Iam not against the bailout based on principal. Iam against it because its very unlikely to work. The Fed should wait until the economy bottoms out no matter how painful and then come to the rescue fully rested armed,locked and loaded,ready for bear. That an old potlicker expression. Recessions in the long run are good for the economy because they are like a cleansing that gets rid of the accumlation of shit that builds up over the years. It is the only way to dump somebody like a Rick Wagoner(Gm Chairment)
Dr.Obama fully backs Paulson's plan while John MaCain realizes it wont work and has only offered luke warm support.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Michigan:A Leader and Again Leading America

Michigan and Detroit are leaders. They are leading the way for America. As I wrote in a previous blogg Michigan is America's role model. Home Foreclousures that are hitting America now started in Michigan years ago. A recessonary economy that wont go away that is Michigan. Corruption in government and polticians that are owned either by the Mafia or the big coportations again that is Michigan. The theft of civil liberties by big government that again is Michigan. In Detroit if the police couldnt find a murder suspect they would lock up his whole family untill he surrendored to authorities. Prisoners where fed bread and water for dinner. Michigan operates under Mafia law.
General Motors shit all of the state and city of Detroit and now they are close to bankruptcy just like the whole state.
See the country is following in the steps of the great state of Michigan. Michigan has been close to bankruptcy for years and now the rest of the country is following in its foot steps U GO MICHIGAN!!!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dr.Obama's Credability

Dr.Obama and the truth are complete and total strangers. If the truth be known Dr.Obama would have very little standing with the American people. Dr.Obama has waged much of his campaign on the premise that he was always very strongly against the Iraq war and that isnt really true. When John Kerry was running for president Dr.Obama was interviewed on Nightline by Ted Koppel and his position on the Iraq war was much different then from what he is saying now. In the interview which hasnt been replayed he said the Iraq war was a mistake but now that we are there we must fight and stay there to protect our allies and are own interests. That dosent sound very lovey dovish to me. As a matter of fact it sounds kind of hawkish. This is a far cry from what Dr.Obama has told everyone about his firm unwavering stance against the war and that we should leave as soon as possible. Its been 4 years maybe Dr.Obama forgot about the interview. Or maybe Dr.Obama wasnt really against the war like he is telling everyone now.

The U.S. Poltical System :It Isnt Working

What ever its called the economic and poltical thing we are ruled by just isnt making it anymore. A lot of the blame for this failure lets face it is caused by an apathetic public who isnt interestd in and dosent understand poltics and may not want to. The void is filled by special intersts groups that are concerned only about their own ass. That is proably how someone like George Bush became President. He never made much sense but he sure did a hell of job of imitating Hud and the American public ate it up. Somebody voted for the guy even though many who did now wont admit to it. It now seems a whole lot of Bush voters now actually voted for Gore and Kerry. There isnt anyone who wants to take credit for Bush.
The result of this apathy and naiveness by many Americans has resulted in the mess we are in now. The same big corporations that brought you Bush are now bringing you Obama. And the American people may fall for it again. Its a rigged system. There is no question about it. Hillory Clinton was a real agent for change and they theived and stole the nomination that she rightfully won away from her. And the American public didnt say shit.
I think the next step for America is a totaliran government quite possablly controlled by our worst enemies.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Why Bad Legislation Gets Passed

There is legislation like the bailout packages for Wall Street and the Automobile Comapanies that makes you wonder what is going on in congress that would make them want to pass something that wastes so much money.
The bailout for Wall Street is like someone going to Las Vegas and losing all their money playing the slots and then the government steps in with a program that gives them back all the money they lost. That is exacty what the Paulson's bailout package does and it has so little chance of working. Does a program like that make any sense? Well Congress is close to passing it.
Gm the worst managed company in American History with stock holders and a board of directors that are totally negligent is likely to get billions from the government. Gm should be allowed to go bankrupt to get rid of all the shit and then a government rescure package could be put together.
How can such bad programs and legislation get passed by congress? Lynn Turner,former chief accountant for the Securities and Exchange Commission said,"The way Washington works its the lobbyists and the executives who hire them that get what they want. And its the taxpayer who usually ends paying and getting fleeced." Some poltical system!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Obama's Bounce From The Fiancial Collapse

Obama and MaCain have the exact identical position on Paulson's bailout. They both have stated strongly that they support it. So why has Obama gained a few points in the polls from the fiancial crisis? He certainly hasn't said or proposed anything concerning

the crisis thats wise, profound , shatering or even alarming. In fact he hasnt said much of anything except to parrot back what all the other genius talking heads have voiced about trying to end the crisis. Although I disagree with McCain over the proposed bailout I think he is the better candidate and has stronger ideas for helping the economy than Obama. Remember what Obama says today about an issue can change overnight expecially when he has screwed up. He is taking back his health care program because he says now it would be to costly. He changes directions like the wind. Can you imagine what an Obama presidency would be like? He and the Democratic party dont really have to much credablity at keeping their promises or pledges. We have seen pleny of examples of that havent we?

The Bail Out:Will IT Work?

The bail out will be very costly with dangerous consequences if it dosent work. Its success is a longshot. The only way it can work is if housing prices start going back up and that is unlikely to occur under present economic conditions. In order for housing prices to go up there has to be an an increase in personal income for the average American. And I just dont see that occuring as we continue to lose our industrial base.
Housing could go down even more which would leave the bailout in shambles like a huricane hit it. And the American Tax payer would be out 1 trillion dollars and more importantly there wouldnt be any money left to have a real stimulus package that did have a good chance of succeeding.
Housing and the ecomony should be allowed to bottom before the government steps in with a rescue package. Recessions and Depressions are like a natural cleansing of the system that washes out the dead wood so regeneration can start. This bailout is a waste of money and will only make things worse in the long run

Monday, September 22, 2008

Paulson and Bernanke's Hail Mary Isnt Gong to Make it

This weekend after reading the news reports about Paulson's plan I came to the same conclusion as the New York Times that it wont work. The New York Times called it a Hail Mary play and how many times does the Hail Mary pass work. Unfortunatly they rarely succeed.
Allan Binder the former vice-chairman of the Fed and one of the architects of Paulson's plan summed it up when he said after sifting thru everything housing prices keep falling and that must be reversed to stop the bleeding. I totally agree with that assessement and thats why I dont think Paulson's plan will work. What is the basic reason for the housing collapse and mortgage crisis? The basic reason is people just dont make enough money to pay their bills including the cost of housing. What is the cause of that? The loss of the American automoible industry and the good paying jobs it once provided would have to be at the top of the list of reasons why people have lower incomes and cant afford the style of living they once could. This is the problem the government should address even if it means naionalizing the American Automobile Industry. Paulson's plan of proping up the banking system could make it much harder to get out of this mess if he fails in stopping the financial free fall going on now. Paulson's plan isnt going to increase the earning power of the average American and thats why his plan will fail. Rebuilding the American automible industry will accomplish this and thus ending the housing crisis.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Job 1: A Healthy Automobile Industry

The American automobile industry must be revived in order for what the Fed and Treasury Department are doing now to work. The physcology behind a big part of the cause of the melt down would be almost completely reversed if the auto industry was revived and healthy again. That isnt going to happen by giving them a few billion and saying,"ok be off with you young lads go about your ways."
Gm would just take the money and burn it. First of all a few billion would only pay there bills for just a couple of more months. Their problem is that they have no product. They wont even know if the batteries will work for the electric car(the Volt) until a few months before its supposed to go into production. Ric Wagoneer is one hell of a planner. The company blew billions on a fusion car thats aleast 50 years away from production. Ric must be forced out. The guy is a dead head.
Whats needed is a czar that knows the automoblie industry and can force the auto companies into taking steps that will make them healthy again. Lee Iccocia or Gerald Grennwald or both together might be a good place to start.

A President and A Rigged Election=George Bush & Barack Obama

What happened the last time a candidate from a rigged election became President? We ended up with George Bush. And now we have Barack Obama who also is a product of a tainted election running for president. Havent we learned anything? Hillory Clinton is the rightful winner of the Democratic nomination. She was swindled. Plain and sample. The voters didnt pick Obama bin Laden. They voted for Hillory Clinton and yet Obama bin Laden is the Decocratic nominee. How could that be? Very simply she was swindled. In Texas Hillory was expected to lose the primary elections according to the polls. Because she was consistently running behind Obama. The polls that count are the elections and instead of losing she easily beat Obama. And yet Obama ended up with more Texas delegates then Hillory. Why? It was rigged. Big Oil controls everything in Texas including the Democratic caucuses. Obama won big in these Big Oil controlled caucuses. So he ended up with more Texas delegates even though he lost the popular vote which should have been the deciding vote in picking the winner. The last time something like this happened is when George Bush became president. Has America learned anything? We shall see very soon.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Economy:Where Is It Going

I think its really hard to say what is going to happen now to the economy and those that say the Fed is wrong or right are proably both right and wrong. The Feds actions arent long term solutions for fixing the economic problems that caused this financial meltdown. What the Fed is doing now is just buying time until the economy can right itself. This correction has to happen soon because if the melt down continues the Fed wil have used up much of its ammo. That is why those that argue that there shouldnt be a bailout may also be right. Because when things eventually bottom the Fed would be able to step in fresh as a daisy,locked and loaded for bear(that is old potlicker expression) and help the system recover. The Fed intervention that is occuring now will make that a much harder thing to do if the economy continues to fall. Because the Fed will have used up much of its gun poweder. In the great drepession of the thirties the ecnomoy had already bottomed when Rosevelt stepped in with the New Deal. What makes things worse now is that we dont much of a manufacturing base left to revive. The big corporations backing Obama bin Laden moved it to countries we compete with.
I believe the government should be concentrating on rebuilding our industrial base and not worry about the so called cleaning up of wall street. The horse is out of the barn and its to late to call the locksmith. They should have thought of that before the melt down.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

America:Conned Again

I have a question for the people who read this blogg. How many of you that orginally voted for George Bush would vote for him again? Its hard to say but I would guess that not to many of you would vote to return Bush again to office if he were eligable to run again. And Iam sure some of you are sorry that you orginally voted for him in the first place. My next question is to the people who voted for Gore and Kerry that if they could go back in time and change their vote would they change it and vote for Bush. Iam sure many of those people would call me crazy for even asking such a question.
So both groups would problay be unlikely to vote for Bush again for a third term. Many of the white liberals and blacks who didnt vote for Bush are now saying see I told you so to those that did vote for him.
The Big Money corportations like Big Oil,the Money Center Banks and our Saudi Arabian masters that gave Bush the money to run orginally know and understand this very well. That is why they are now backing a completely different type of candidate now for president. They know you wont vote for a George(Hud)Bush type of candidate. So they assembled a new candidate who would front for them and represent their interests just like George Bush did and at the same time would be acceptable to you the average American potlicker. The candidates name is Barack Obama. Big Oil has given Obama bin Laden tons of money and made it possiable for him to swindle the nomination away from Hillory Clinton. The same big banks that are now getting handouts form the government have also contributed handsomely to Obama's campaign. Obama is there candidate. Many of the big mortgage companies did favors for big shots in the Democratic party. These are the same big shots who helped Obama win the nomination. So if Obama wins irrgegardless of what he is saying now the same special interests that brought you George Bush will still be in power if Obama wins.
Remember it was the Democrates who said in 2006 that if they were elected they would end the Iraq war. They even danced on the graves of the young soldigers killed in Iraq. Did they end the war? And if elected now will they turn their back on Big Oil? Sure. Just like they ended the Iraq war after the suckers voted for them

Public Enemey No.1:Rick Wagoner(GM Chairmen)

A major cause of the financial crisis in the United States is the collapse or destruction of our manufacturing base. In the case of the automobile industry it seems like the industry self destructed. Gm intentionaly destroyed itself just so its top excutives could keep their jobs. And in the process hundreds of thousands of good paying manufactiong jobs where ruined and destroyed. These jobs belonged to people who owned homes,went on vactions,bought goods and services while making $50,000 to $100,000 a year while just working in a factory. Rick Wagoner in defending his poor leadership will say that is why Gm is broke and going out of business because it couldnt afford to pay such high wages. The German companies pay their workers even higher wages. Labor cost arent the real issue. The real problem that Wagoner recently admitted to is that he dosent know how to make cars that consumers want. And that he isnt good at predicting automotive trends. Those two things are the basic requirements needed in being a Chairmen of an automobile company. Its like a plastic surgeon who isnt good at surgery . That is the crux of the job. And Wagoner couldnt do it. Why wasnt he fired after all these years for screwing up the company. Wagoner is Public Enemey NO.ONE because of all the good paying jobs he destroyed while he used his companies bureaucracy to stay in a job he wasnt fit for and didnt deserve. He just about single handly destroyed the American ecnomoy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Obama Has Hired Anthony Pelicano as a Special Consultant

Obama made the first shrewd move of his campaign when he hired defrocked Beverly Hills detective Anthony Pelicano as a special consultant on external affairs. That is a broad heading for spying on John MaCain so he can learn MaCain's secret positions on the leading issues and like that Obama can go on the attack or mount an offensive instantously as he is now on the economy. Thus making the economy Obama's key issue. It hasnt registered with the Obama campaign that MaCain speaks with the press daily and tells them his positions on these important issues voluntarily. Obama is now blaming MaCain for mistakes made under by the George Bush administration. MaCain didnt create the housing bubble or play footsey with real estate developers like Tony Rezko as Obama bin Laden did. It was real estate developers like Obama's friend Tony Rezko that helped create the mess we are in right now. It was also the big shots in the Democratic party who helped Obama swindle the nomination away from Hilliary Clinton and who also received special treatment from many of the big mortgage companies like Country Wide which helped create the mortgage mess. The special treatment these democrates received could be one reason the government was lax in regulating companies like Country Wide. John MaCain didnt receive special favores from Country Wide like the Big shot Democratic backers of Obama did who also were the ones that cheated Hillory Clinton out of her rightful victory and went easy on regulating the mortgage companies. Obama may have hired Anthony to investigate the wrong thing. Maybe he should been hired to investigate Obama's fellow Democratic supporters and the special favors they received from the mortage companies.

Monday, September 15, 2008

America Needs A Leader

The United States now needs strong leadership to help rebuild the economy and get things going again in the right direction. Barack Obama has shown poor judgement on almost every important issure from Iraq and Iran to his weak remedies for rebuilding the economy. Obama's solutions are what he thinks his audieneces want to hear rather then the real tough long term remedies it will take to rebuild America's economic foundation. The main drivers in getting out of the last recession where housing and the Iraq war. The housing bubble has now burst and as the bill comes do for the Iraq war it will now become a drag on the economy. John MaCain in the way he has run his campaign and his handling of important foreign and domestic issues has shown innovation and leadership. That is why I think he is the best choice for president.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What the American Automobile Companies Need Now Is........

NO it isnt love or understanding. Its product that they are in dire need of. They just missed and an important transition that could have propelled them back into the big time. The automobile excutives should have forsseen the energy crisis and had products to take advantage of it. That is what they are paid for. They are paid to see trends before they happen and develop products to take advantage of those trends. Unfortatunely this isnt happening and that is a major reason why the Big 3 shrunk to the little 3. Ford's chairmen Allan Mullaly is proably the best manager in the American automoible industry but has little experience in automotive product development. And that is where the money is made. It takes a tremondous amount of talent and experience to successfully develop new cars. Gm dosent have a clue on how to do this and must be allowed to go into chapter 11 before its helped. Chrylser has hired some high priced talent but they havent come up with anything new to save the company. I would like to see the little 3 gamble on a young and up incoming executive who has shown some talent and give him chance to run the commpany. The automobile business is a young mans game more than any other business and I believe thats who should be running it.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

3 Blind Mice:Gm,Ford,and Chrysler

Three blind mice,three blind mice,see how they run. They all ran after the farmers wife,who cut off their tails with a carving knife,Did u ever see such a thing in your life, As 3 blind mice. This old english nursery rhyme describes where the American automobile industry is right now. Running scared from the competation who is close to cutting their tails cut off. Gm already has had its tail cut-off. Soon according to Goldman Sachs Gm will be out of money. The little 3 once know as the Big 3 are in deep trouble. All of them can trace their problems to bad management. They who once complained about government interfence when the goverment forced them to make smaller cars by raising gas mileage requirements are now asking for a government backed hand-out. Gm's managment arrogant,selfish,stupid would only piss the money away. Remember this is tax payer money they are asking for. People work hard to pay those taxes and to have to watch Rick Wagoner(gm's chairman) flush that money down the toilet would be heartbreaking. Gm should be saved but only after they are in chapter 11. Ford now has someone running the company who has made some smart moves. He sold Jaquar and Land Rover just at the right time. Because of high fuel prices both have lost a lot of their value. Allan Mullaly's(Ford's Chairman) timing was good in getting rid of them. I think Ford would be a good risk for government backed loans. Chrylser I still dont think has the right people running it and think loan gurantees would be a bad risk. The little 3 must be saved and but there has to be a lot more negations before the government gives them any money. In Gm's case they shouldnt receive a dime until management is gone and shareholder equity has been wiped out.

Was a Deal Cut With Iran

Iraq is still a very violent place after 5 years of war but insurgent activity has decreased. Insurgent activity has it declined becasue of better war stratedgy by the Us? Or was this decline in insurgent activety caused by a deal cut between the Us and Iran where the Us dosent interfer in Iran's nucular bomb development program in exchange for Iran taking it easy in Iraq and not sending insurgents over the boarder. Israel could proably take out Iran's nucular facilties,but it needs U.S. permission to do it. The Bush adminsitration contrary to popular belief has not given that permission. And the Bush admisnitration has done little to destablize the current Iranian government. The U.S. if it wanted to could destroy the Iranian curancy thus destablizing Iran's fianicnal system without firing a shot. The Bush administration has taken no such steps. Insurgents coming into Iraq backed by Iran has decreased dramtically in the last year which has made it easier on the U.S. backed government in Iraq to survive. So while the U.S. backed government survives in Iraq a rogue government like Iran's will have nucular weapons thanks to George(Ted Bundy eyes). Remember George(Ted Bundy eyes)'s whole presidential legacy is Iraq and he will do anything to try and protect it,even if means world safety and security are jeopdiazed by Iran having nucular weapons

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Economy:100 Degree Temperatures Followed By Severe Snow Storms

The economy sounds a lot like a Michigan weather forecast. Commodity prices recently reached all time highs. Crude oil at one time was over $140 barrel and gold hit the $1000 dollar mark this summer for the first time in over 20years. Some businesses closed or went bankrupt because of high energy and commodity costs. A new element that is starting to effect and pull the economy in a different direction is the housing crisis. The collapsing of the housing bubble is a very deflatonary force that is now working its way into the rest of the economy. After seeing a tremondous inflationary spike commodity prices now could go in the completely opposite direction. Deflation just like in the 1930's could hit the world economy. The American consumer is exhausted,a victim of job outsourcing,low wages and falling home prices. People just dont have money to buy anything. What the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department are doing now is really trying to fight this coming deflation. It is the correct thing to do but will proably just buy time. The foundation of the American ecomomny must be rebuilt in order for the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department to succeed. President MaCain is the best man to rebuild the economy. He is a leader and a problem solver. And has a more realistic plan than Obama Bin Laden

Saturday, September 06, 2008

The 4 Cornerstones of George Bush's Presidency

1.The Iraq War-This war has gone on longer than World WarII and is far from being over with or settled. General Petrasus now wants to cancel troop pull backs because he says the violence will resume if American troops leave. This war will easily cost the American people over a trillion dollars before its over with.
2.The Economy-Along with 3-D Potlicker Hoffa's help Georgie Boy did one hell of a job of exporting American industry and jobs to countries we compete with like China.
3.Civil Rights-The government because of George Bush's efforts under the Military Commision Act can yank anybody off the street that they think is a threat. This act does away with habeus corpus.
4.Foreign Policy-Just 8 short years ago when Bill Clinton was President the United States was the undisputed leader in the world, respected and feared. Today under the leadership of George(Ted Bundy Eyes)big and small countries wait in line to take there turn at using the United States for a punching bag.
I knew something was horrably wrong with Bush's presidency when Saudi Arabia bombed Nyc and America just stood there and let them beat the shit out of the United States without fighting back at all. Oprah (gurl) thinks we deserved it. Who knows maybe she is right. Do you think the United States deserves to get shit on by Saudia Arabia? Because Ifen you do then you should vote for Obama Bin Laden. The Saudis are backing his candiancy to the hilt. Pedal to the metal. Just like they did with George Bush. The Saudias easliy have given the Bush family over a billion dollars and now they are pouring tons into Obama's canidancy. Who knows maybe we deserve this like Oprah and the Rev.Wright say we do.

The Economy

What the government is doiing now to restart the economy will likely have very little effect on getting things going again. The loss of our manufactuting jobs and heavy industry just cant be overcome by increasing the money supply and taking over Freddie and Fanny Mac. A wage earner making $10 or $12 an hour cant afford a million dollar house. The math just isnt there. And yet the government really isnt addressing that problem. Obama Bin Laden's economic plan just susbisdizes busnineses like General Motors who are poorly managed. What this country needs now is a bold leader like John MaCain who will look for new and innovative solutions to building the foundation for a strong economy. The blogg about an industrial policy goes into greater detail.