A President and A Rigged Election=George Bush & Barack Obama
What happened the last time a candidate from a rigged election became President? We ended up with George Bush. And now we have Barack Obama who also is a product of a tainted election running for president. Havent we learned anything? Hillory Clinton is the rightful winner of the Democratic nomination. She was swindled. Plain and sample. The voters didnt pick Obama bin Laden. They voted for Hillory Clinton and yet Obama bin Laden is the Decocratic nominee. How could that be? Very simply she was swindled. In Texas Hillory was expected to lose the primary elections according to the polls. Because she was consistently running behind Obama. The polls that count are the elections and instead of losing she easily beat Obama. And yet Obama ended up with more Texas delegates then Hillory. Why? It was rigged. Big Oil controls everything in Texas including the Democratic caucuses. Obama won big in these Big Oil controlled caucuses. So he ended up with more Texas delegates even though he lost the popular vote which should have been the deciding vote in picking the winner. The last time something like this happened is when George Bush became president. Has America learned anything? We shall see very soon.
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