The Economy:Where Is It Going
I think its really hard to say what is going to happen now to the economy and those that say the Fed is wrong or right are proably both right and wrong. The Feds actions arent long term solutions for fixing the economic problems that caused this financial meltdown. What the Fed is doing now is just buying time until the economy can right itself. This correction has to happen soon because if the melt down continues the Fed wil have used up much of its ammo. That is why those that argue that there shouldnt be a bailout may also be right. Because when things eventually bottom the Fed would be able to step in fresh as a daisy,locked and loaded for bear(that is old potlicker expression) and help the system recover. The Fed intervention that is occuring now will make that a much harder thing to do if the economy continues to fall. Because the Fed will have used up much of its gun poweder. In the great drepession of the thirties the ecnomoy had already bottomed when Rosevelt stepped in with the New Deal. What makes things worse now is that we dont much of a manufacturing base left to revive. The big corporations backing Obama bin Laden moved it to countries we compete with.
I believe the government should be concentrating on rebuilding our industrial base and not worry about the so called cleaning up of wall street. The horse is out of the barn and its to late to call the locksmith. They should have thought of that before the melt down.
I believe the government should be concentrating on rebuilding our industrial base and not worry about the so called cleaning up of wall street. The horse is out of the barn and its to late to call the locksmith. They should have thought of that before the melt down.
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