Public Enemey No.1:Rick Wagoner(GM Chairmen)
A major cause of the financial crisis in the United States is the collapse or destruction of our manufacturing base. In the case of the automobile industry it seems like the industry self destructed. Gm intentionaly destroyed itself just so its top excutives could keep their jobs. And in the process hundreds of thousands of good paying manufactiong jobs where ruined and destroyed. These jobs belonged to people who owned homes,went on vactions,bought goods and services while making $50,000 to $100,000 a year while just working in a factory. Rick Wagoner in defending his poor leadership will say that is why Gm is broke and going out of business because it couldnt afford to pay such high wages. The German companies pay their workers even higher wages. Labor cost arent the real issue. The real problem that Wagoner recently admitted to is that he dosent know how to make cars that consumers want. And that he isnt good at predicting automotive trends. Those two things are the basic requirements needed in being a Chairmen of an automobile company. Its like a plastic surgeon who isnt good at surgery . That is the crux of the job. And Wagoner couldnt do it. Why wasnt he fired after all these years for screwing up the company. Wagoner is Public Enemey NO.ONE because of all the good paying jobs he destroyed while he used his companies bureaucracy to stay in a job he wasnt fit for and didnt deserve. He just about single handly destroyed the American ecnomoy.
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