Was a Deal Cut With Iran
Iraq is still a very violent place after 5 years of war but insurgent activity has decreased. Insurgent activity has it declined becasue of better war stratedgy by the Us? Or was this decline in insurgent activety caused by a deal cut between the Us and Iran where the Us dosent interfer in Iran's nucular bomb development program in exchange for Iran taking it easy in Iraq and not sending insurgents over the boarder. Israel could proably take out Iran's nucular facilties,but it needs U.S. permission to do it. The Bush adminsitration contrary to popular belief has not given that permission. And the Bush admisnitration has done little to destablize the current Iranian government. The U.S. if it wanted to could destroy the Iranian curancy thus destablizing Iran's fianicnal system without firing a shot. The Bush administration has taken no such steps. Insurgents coming into Iraq backed by Iran has decreased dramtically in the last year which has made it easier on the U.S. backed government in Iraq to survive. So while the U.S. backed government survives in Iraq a rogue government like Iran's will have nucular weapons thanks to George(Ted Bundy eyes). Remember George(Ted Bundy eyes)'s whole presidential legacy is Iraq and he will do anything to try and protect it,even if means world safety and security are jeopdiazed by Iran having nucular weapons
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