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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Obama's Bounce From The Fiancial Collapse

Obama and MaCain have the exact identical position on Paulson's bailout. They both have stated strongly that they support it. So why has Obama gained a few points in the polls from the fiancial crisis? He certainly hasn't said or proposed anything concerning

the crisis thats wise, profound , shatering or even alarming. In fact he hasnt said much of anything except to parrot back what all the other genius talking heads have voiced about trying to end the crisis. Although I disagree with McCain over the proposed bailout I think he is the better candidate and has stronger ideas for helping the economy than Obama. Remember what Obama says today about an issue can change overnight expecially when he has screwed up. He is taking back his health care program because he says now it would be to costly. He changes directions like the wind. Can you imagine what an Obama presidency would be like? He and the Democratic party dont really have to much credablity at keeping their promises or pledges. We have seen pleny of examples of that havent we?