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Monday, June 30, 2008
The oil supply shortage is manufactured by the our masters the Saudis and BIG OIL. The oil companies distribute the oil that comes form the Opec countries and they decide what amounts or allotments that are distrubuted. The oil companies determine the price they want and distubte the amount that will support that price. The supply is actually much larger then what the oil companies what the general public to know. Demand because of Global warming actually should be much lower but because of a gullable public and the poltical muscle of BIG Oil(they didnt force George Bush down our throats for nothing) prices are much higher than they should be. Global warming is here and is starting to influence the way Americans live. People are starting to abondoned the costal areas of Florida not because of a bad economy but because of the strength and number of hurricans that are fed by global warming. New Orleans was almost permantly wiped out by one of those Hurricanes. As the american people become more and more inconvienced by the change in weather caused by global warming the cry for something to be done will cause a large cutback in the use of fossil fuels.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Gm:Bye! Bye!
Gm's demise is actullly good news. It wont be long now. They are going down the tubes fast. And it simply was bad management and negligent stock holders that did Gm in and not outside forces. Gm was a not a victim of circumstance but more like something that experienced malicious negligence. When not if Gm goes into chapter 11 and stockholder equity is wiped out the government then can help rebuild and bailout the company,which i think should be done. The stockholders and management deserve nothing but maybe jail time for running such an important company U.S.business into what is today---a failure.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Integrity:Is It Gone In Poltics
I have never seen voters get the short end of the stick when they voted for a candidate based on whether or not he was a person of integrity. In Michigan the very last thing and I mean the very last thing voters look at if they look consider it at all is integrity. The most important thing to the voters is one : has he been santioned by the Mafia and two: is he corrupt. Integrtiy nevers into the thought process in selecting a candidate. And Michigan is at the top of the list in most things negative and at the botton in all postive catogories. People dont value integrity in Michigan and that is a major reason its a last place state to live and do business in. In 2000 the candidate with the least amount of integrity end up as president. George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush came from one of the sleazest families in the poltical history of the United states. George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush will go down as one of this countries worst presidents. He is a man with very little if any integity. How did he get elected? People dont pay attention to a persons integrity when they vote. That is why so many skuzzballs get elected to office. And now the American people could very well repeat this bad mistake all overagain. John MaCain and the Republican party showed a lot more integrity in the way their primaries where conducted than the Democrates. The Democratic super elite cheated Hillory Clinton out of the nomination and gave it to Dr. Labama even though he lost the popular vote. The Democrates showed no integrity at all in the way they took congress back from the Republicans in 2006. I strongly urge voters to consider integrity when voting other wise your going to continue getting shit on.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dr.Obama's Energy Policy
Since Obama voted for George Bush's energy bill which was very heavly tilled toward big oil and other fossel fuel producers his energy program would be similiar to Bush's,which keeps us energy dependent on Opec The Oil Companies,Saudi Arabia and other big energy producers have backed Obama to the hilt. McCain actaully has a better program for using and developing alternative fuel souces than Obama. Obama distorts the truth about his plans for energy use and development. During the primary campaign he denied he was a big advocate of nucluar energy and now he has said that nucluar energy will be a big part of his energy program. John Macain is more consitent and a more innovative leader
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Engine:100 miles per gallon
Where is it? Who has it? It certainly isnt Gm or the other ghosts that once made up the formadble Big 3. A combustion engine that could get 100 miles to the gallon would have been the stepping stone back to the big time for the Big 3. But they are really no closer to it today- than they were 10 years ago when they should have made a man on the moon effort to build this engine. Ifen someone had approched Rick Wagoner and told him hey start putting all of the companies efforts into building a 100mile per gallon engine Rick would have told him either your with me or agn me. And if your agn me u dont belong in the company. See Rick thought Gm owned the SUV market and that Gm had no competition there and that is where the companies best efforts should be concentrated---on making more SUV's since Gm owned the market in his words. Well 5 years later Gm still owns the SUV market and they are no closer to the 100mile per gallon engine then they were 5years ago and now we have whats called the last days of GM. Lee Iaccoca really was a genius because he developed the blue print for saving an automobile company. Iaccoca was so good that many people believe that it was the K Car that saved Chrylser. The K Car was the shit he was stuck with until he could develop the real product that saved Chrysler which was the mini van. The point being he immediatley brought money into the company and then came up with a product that was needed and a sure fire hit. The 100 mile per gallon engine would have been the product that saved Gm. How was Rick Wagoner to know that a hundred mile per gallon engine would be needed? Good question. Because that is what he gets paid to know. The fact that he didnt know means he never should have had that job in the first place.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Michigan:America's Role Model
Michigan very well could be the place to look to find out what is comming next for America. Michigan's housing problems the same ones the rest of the country is experienceng right now started at least 5 years ago. Other problems like high unemployment,poor schools,high government corpution that many areas are experincing right now started in Michigan years ago. Michigan once the most progressive state in the country now is basically a feudal society with the mafia as the lords and the general population as the serfs. Surpizeingly most people have accepted there lot in life and havent prostested the wholesale theft of the state by the mafia. While General Motoers played a major role in the destruction of Detroit they have now been so weakened by bad management that there infleunce is very limited. Michigan and Detroit are now almost completely mafia run. The governor is a mafia princess and the mayor of Detroit the poontang kid is bought controlled and paid for by the mafia. Mike Illich the owner of the Detroit Tigers is either a front for the mafia or a higher up in the organization and has stolen hundreds of millions from the cities treasury. At least half or 3/4 of his wealth and holdings came from Detroit's treasury. That is one reason why the city has to lay-off another 1300 workers on top of what they already did. All of the top politician in Michigan are mafia controlled. They look out for mafia interestes and not the interst of the people of Michigan. The future is very bleak for Michigan and Detroit. If u vote for Dr.Obama a mafia big oil poltician than the rest of the country will follow in Detroit and Michigan's foot steps.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Whose Fault Is It
Utimately its the American peoples own fault that we are paying $5 a gallon for gas and our economy hasnt yet hit bottom with no recovery insight. The people voting validadted Bush's theft of the presidency. He got enough votes all though he didnt win to look semi-legitimate. Now it looks like the American voter is ready to repeat past mistakes by supporting Dr.Oscar Obama. Dr. Obama the biggest fraud since Dutch Reagan may very well end up as president. He lies and lies and the american people are eating it up. The Democrates lied in 2006 when they campaigned to end the war in Iraq. They preyed on the American people in way that I have never seen before. Their congressional campaign in 2006 was unequaled for lying and misrepsentation. They used the bodies of those killed in the Iraq war to get elected. They made an emotional appeal thru the dead soliders of Iraq. And Did they end the war after the election? Hell NO!!!! They must be punished. Dr.Obama won the nomination because of oil money. The same oil companies that brought u $5 a gallon gas are now backing Dr.Obama and once again they are tricking and fooling the American people which evidently isnt that hard to do. I strongly urge the american people if u must vote to vote for John MaCain. His position on most issures are different than most people but at least he wont sell the country out
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Rickey Duke:The Chutzpa Kid
General Motors is on its death bed. Its just a year or less before the undertaker gets the call to liquiadate the once great company. So how is Rickey Duke handleing the situation. Well let me tell ya Rickey Dukes mother didnt raise any dumies. The company is about dead and Rick gave himself a 12million dollar a year raise. Ricky's motto is get what you can while u can. How he justifed the raise to the board is anyones guess. It is obviously beyond justifcation or maybe he rationalized by saying he played a major role in Gm's demise and the stockholders will get a better price if the company was liquiadated. I hate to be the one to throw cold water on this wet dream but if Gm's stock falls below ten dollars a share then it means Gm will go into bankruptcy which means the stockholders get nothing. So maybe Rick's right after all grab all u can while u can. It also could mean that the way big corporations are owned and managed in this country should be reviewed. There is no good reason other than bad management that Gm ended up in this condition. Where was everybody? Rickey Duke will end up in the history books. A hundred years from now business students will be required to study Gm's fall. And Rickey Duke is in it right up to his big phat ugly ears.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Dr.Obama:If They Get A Knife We Will Get A Gun
Dr.Obama it seems is running for the presidency of Hells Angeles or the Crips instead of commander in chief of the United States. Dr.Obama dosent have the skills to be an effective president. We could end up with another George Bush. Again John MaCain must show that he can lead and has the skills to deal with America's economic decline. In the way he ran his campaign he has shown a great deal more integrity than Dr.Obama. Is Dr.Obama going to honor his campaign pledge to Pot Licker Hoffa about ending government monterioring of the teamsters union?>>>>>>>>>><< Alexender Putin the Russian leader has made an offer to become more involved in helping to run the United States. He blames American banks for the worlds financial crisis. Yes he is right about that. He believes he can do a better job. I personaly believe he can do a better job. There isnt any question he is the worlds most preeminent world leader today. George Bush is an embarrassment to the American people. How could we be so stupid as to tolerate someone like George Bush as president? Are we smart enough to have our leaders elected by popular vote? Look at what Democracy has done to Michigan. Its a cesspool. Once one of the most progressive states it is now run under Mafia law. The governor of Michigan is a mafia princess. And Detroit's mayor the poontang kid is owned controlled by the mafia. Where are we headed? I dont know but it dosent look good.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
McCains Pick for V.P
Scott Romney is the most likely choice for Vice President. He was a successful businesman and entrapenure. There hasnt been a lot printed about how while he was governor of Mass he took on the Whitey Bulger gang. Whitey's younger brother a collge president was supposedly the good brother while Whitey was the gangster. As it turns out the younger brother was actually part of Whitey's gang. Romeny forced him to resign his college post. Whitey iam still rooting for u. Whitey has never been captured even though he is on the FBI's ten most wanted list. Its rummored the FBI killed him because of what he knew about the inside of the FBI Rommeny would be the best pick. I really dont think Carly would help with the woman vote.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Democratic Party must be punished for denying voters the nominee that they picked by popular vote. Dr.Obama is the pick of the higherarcs and not the people. Unless the Democratic Party is severly punished this type of behavior will occur often.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
What John McCain Must Do to Win
He has to surround himself with strong,knowledgeable people whose opinions the voters respect. People are looking not necessarly for change but for innovation. The American people are sick and tired of being in last place and watching the rest of the world pass us by. That is why George Bush among other things is so unpopluar because under his leadership new economies that we used to laugh at are now beating the shit out of us. Carly Fiorina is basically a retread. She did poorly as an excutive both at Lucent and Hewlit Packard. While she certainly is a smart person she isnt someone the voters are going to look up to as a financial adviser. McCain should now start getting close to successful ecnomists and business people so he looks smart. Lincoln picked advisers that he thought were smarter then himself. McCain should do the same.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Liberals for John McCain
Liberals for John McCain is a very real possablity. Dr.Obama's nomination is tainted because he really didnt win the nomination thru the elective process. He was awarded the nomination by the democratic party higherarchs. He dosent owe the voters anything since they werent the ones who gave him the nomination. This isnt your fathers Democratic Party anymore. The progressive unions who ran the party back in the fifties and sixties are long gone. The Uaw,and the Afl,Cio are now ghosts of their former greatness. The Democratic Party now is the party of big oil,potlicker unions like the teamsters and Mr.Sterns service employess and big oil and wall street and of course last but not least the mafia. Those power brokers are who Dr.Obama owes his nomination to. John McCain is a much more honest alternative than the shit in the Democratic Party. If Dr.Obama was a legitimate candidate meaning he had won the nomination with the popular vote then it might be different. But that is not the case because he lost the popular vote yet still ended with the nomination. Its shades of 2000 when the oil campanies candidate George Bush couldnt win the election legitimatley so they stole the election thru the efforts of Anthony(the cock)Scalia. Anthony thinks group sex is healthy. And we know the results of what a George Bush presidency can do to a country. The question is do we want the same thing to happen again as in 2000? I certainly dont want that to happen again. That is why I will support John McCain for president unless there is a viable third party candidate. McCain is an honerable man who came by his nomination fair and square in an honest way.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Hillory Planly and Simply Was Cheated Out of The Nomination
The mafia, Saudi Arabia, Big Oil,and Wall Street run the Democratic party. There isnt any question they cheated her out of the nomination. Michigan and Florida didnt matter that much because the rules committee would have ruled no matter what in way that was favorable to Dr. Obama. Hillory won the popular vote and that is what should matter. Obama clearly wasnt the peoples choice but the choice of the crud in the Democratic party. Obama's selction by the higherarcs is clearly a slap in the face of the voters. These same voters I predict will stay home on elction day or vote for John Macain. Hillory Clinton won the popular vote in Texas yet Dr.Obama walked away with more delegates. Why? Because the caucuses which are contolled by the centrel party overwhelmingly voted for Dr.Obama. The actual voters supported Mrs Clinton. This whole thing is a sham lesson in modern Democracy. Your average voter has had very little impact in selecting the Democratic nominee. Nominee was picked by big money. Plainly and simplely.