Whose Fault Is It
Utimately its the American peoples own fault that we are paying $5 a gallon for gas and our economy hasnt yet hit bottom with no recovery insight. The people voting validadted Bush's theft of the presidency. He got enough votes all though he didnt win to look semi-legitimate. Now it looks like the American voter is ready to repeat past mistakes by supporting Dr.Oscar Obama. Dr. Obama the biggest fraud since Dutch Reagan may very well end up as president. He lies and lies and the american people are eating it up. The Democrates lied in 2006 when they campaigned to end the war in Iraq. They preyed on the American people in way that I have never seen before. Their congressional campaign in 2006 was unequaled for lying and misrepsentation. They used the bodies of those killed in the Iraq war to get elected. They made an emotional appeal thru the dead soliders of Iraq. And Did they end the war after the election? Hell NO!!!! They must be punished. Dr.Obama won the nomination because of oil money. The same oil companies that brought u $5 a gallon gas are now backing Dr.Obama and once again they are tricking and fooling the American people which evidently isnt that hard to do. I strongly urge the american people if u must vote to vote for John MaCain. His position on most issures are different than most people but at least he wont sell the country out
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