Crude Oil:Peak Demand Will Occure Long Before Peak Supply
The oil supply shortage is manufactured by the our masters the Saudis and BIG OIL. The oil companies distribute the oil that comes form the Opec countries and they decide what amounts or allotments that are distrubuted. The oil companies determine the price they want and distubte the amount that will support that price. The supply is actually much larger then what the oil companies what the general public to know. Demand because of Global warming actually should be much lower but because of a gullable public and the poltical muscle of BIG Oil(they didnt force George Bush down our throats for nothing) prices are much higher than they should be. Global warming is here and is starting to influence the way Americans live. People are starting to abondoned the costal areas of Florida not because of a bad economy but because of the strength and number of hurricans that are fed by global warming. New Orleans was almost permantly wiped out by one of those Hurricanes. As the american people become more and more inconvienced by the change in weather caused by global warming the cry for something to be done will cause a large cutback in the use of fossil fuels.
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