Michigan:America's Role Model
Michigan very well could be the place to look to find out what is comming next for America. Michigan's housing problems the same ones the rest of the country is experienceng right now started at least 5 years ago. Other problems like high unemployment,poor schools,high government corpution that many areas are experincing right now started in Michigan years ago. Michigan once the most progressive state in the country now is basically a feudal society with the mafia as the lords and the general population as the serfs. Surpizeingly most people have accepted there lot in life and havent prostested the wholesale theft of the state by the mafia. While General Motoers played a major role in the destruction of Detroit they have now been so weakened by bad management that there infleunce is very limited. Michigan and Detroit are now almost completely mafia run. The governor is a mafia princess and the mayor of Detroit the poontang kid is bought controlled and paid for by the mafia. Mike Illich the owner of the Detroit Tigers is either a front for the mafia or a higher up in the organization and has stolen hundreds of millions from the cities treasury. At least half or 3/4 of his wealth and holdings came from Detroit's treasury. That is one reason why the city has to lay-off another 1300 workers on top of what they already did. All of the top politician in Michigan are mafia controlled. They look out for mafia interestes and not the interst of the people of Michigan. The future is very bleak for Michigan and Detroit. If u vote for Dr.Obama a mafia big oil poltician than the rest of the country will follow in Detroit and Michigan's foot steps.
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