Integrity:Is It Gone In Poltics
I have never seen voters get the short end of the stick when they voted for a candidate based on whether or not he was a person of integrity. In Michigan the very last thing and I mean the very last thing voters look at if they look consider it at all is integrity. The most important thing to the voters is one : has he been santioned by the Mafia and two: is he corrupt. Integrtiy nevers into the thought process in selecting a candidate. And Michigan is at the top of the list in most things negative and at the botton in all postive catogories. People dont value integrity in Michigan and that is a major reason its a last place state to live and do business in. In 2000 the candidate with the least amount of integrity end up as president. George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush came from one of the sleazest families in the poltical history of the United states. George(Ted Bundy eyes)Bush will go down as one of this countries worst presidents. He is a man with very little if any integity. How did he get elected? People dont pay attention to a persons integrity when they vote. That is why so many skuzzballs get elected to office. And now the American people could very well repeat this bad mistake all overagain. John MaCain and the Republican party showed a lot more integrity in the way their primaries where conducted than the Democrates. The Democratic super elite cheated Hillory Clinton out of the nomination and gave it to Dr. Labama even though he lost the popular vote. The Democrates showed no integrity at all in the way they took congress back from the Republicans in 2006. I strongly urge voters to consider integrity when voting other wise your going to continue getting shit on.
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