Hillory Planly and Simply Was Cheated Out of The Nomination
The mafia, Saudi Arabia, Big Oil,and Wall Street run the Democratic party. There isnt any question they cheated her out of the nomination. Michigan and Florida didnt matter that much because the rules committee would have ruled no matter what in way that was favorable to Dr. Obama. Hillory won the popular vote and that is what should matter. Obama clearly wasnt the peoples choice but the choice of the crud in the Democratic party. Obama's selction by the higherarcs is clearly a slap in the face of the voters. These same voters I predict will stay home on elction day or vote for John Macain. Hillory Clinton won the popular vote in Texas yet Dr.Obama walked away with more delegates. Why? Because the caucuses which are contolled by the centrel party overwhelmingly voted for Dr.Obama. The actual voters supported Mrs Clinton. This whole thing is a sham lesson in modern Democracy. Your average voter has had very little impact in selecting the Democratic nominee. Nominee was picked by big money. Plainly and simplely.
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