Yes it is a very close race for the Democratic Presidential nominiation and the reason for it is the coalition Dr. Obama has behind him and some of the deals he has made with those groups. The mafia based unions,BIG OIL,wall street money and the rest of the crud in the Democratic Party are backing Baby Doc to the hilt. Look at the deal Baby Doc Obama made with the teamsaters union. This deal is a matter of public record and has been well publized in the media. Baby Doc approached teamster boss Potlicker Hoffa with the deal that if the teamsters backed him he would end government oversight of the union. The teamsters union has had a close historical association with the mafia for many years which has caused food prices to go up. And that is one of reasons the government wanted to end the reationship between the mafia and teamsters union. Baby Doc basically said his presidency would look the other way at this relationship and take the blind eye approrch. Also look at
the very favorable media coverage Dr. Obama has received. Every major media group in this country except for Cbs is owned,influenced or controled by our Saudi masters. What do they want? HIGH OIL PRICES!!!! We will soon see if the Democratic is a party of the people or an entity meant to further the goals of big money.