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Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dr.Obama:A Close Second

Yes it is a very close race for the Democratic Presidential nominiation and the reason for it is the coalition Dr. Obama has behind him and some of the deals he has made with those groups. The mafia based unions,BIG OIL,wall street money and the rest of the crud in the Democratic Party are backing Baby Doc to the hilt. Look at the deal Baby Doc Obama made with the teamsaters union. This deal is a matter of public record and has been well publized in the media. Baby Doc approached teamster boss Potlicker Hoffa with the deal that if the teamsters backed him he would end government oversight of the union. The teamsters union has had a close historical association with the mafia for many years which has caused food prices to go up. And that is one of reasons the government wanted to end the reationship between the mafia and teamsters union. Baby Doc basically said his presidency would look the other way at this relationship and take the blind eye approrch. Also look at
the very favorable media coverage Dr. Obama has received. Every major media group in this country except for Cbs is owned,influenced or controled by our Saudi masters. What do they want? HIGH OIL PRICES!!!! We will soon see if the Democratic is a party of the people or an entity meant to further the goals of big money.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Danger of a Dr.Obama Candidacy

People say George Bush was a bad President. What people are saying that? It certainly isnt George Bush's constitunecy. Georgie Boy Bush dosent owe his presidency to the electorate because he lost the election in 2000. It was Big oil that stole the election that made him president. And not the people voting. And he has done well for big oil. Oil was $20 a barrel when he took office now its $120 a barrel and climibing thanks to the efforts Georgie(Hud)Bush. By the same token Baby Doc Obama really lost the primaries to Hillory Clinton. Iowa the state he thanked for its intial support of his candidacy he wont win in November. Hillory has won almost all the states that ususaly vote Democratic. She has even won the popular vote. One would think Hillory has this thing locked up. Among the people she does have it locked up. But the big money special interest groups like big oil, like potlicker Hoffa,like Lestor Rupport Murdock and the big Media companies and the Mafia they are supporting Dr Obama. And the higharcs could pull fast one again and cheat the American people out of the candidate they voted for. Dr Obama is going to look after his supporters like George Bush did for his backers. Again it wasnt the voters who put Dr.Obama in office but the mafia, the oil companies, and wall street. And that is who Dr.Obama is going to look out for if the higherarcs cheat the voters again make Dr.Obama the Democratic nominee

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Abondonment of The Democratic Party Has Started

WE are witnessing the begining of the end of the Democratic Party. Voters are already leaving it behind. Why? One of the main reasons is the way the Democratic presidential nominnee was picked. Hillory Clinton should have won it. She has the popular votes and has won every important state. And yet Barack Obama will be the likely nominee even though he has won jack-shit. He lost the popular vote and hasnt done will in states that usually vote Democratic in national elections. But he has the big money special interests behind him,while Hillory just has the people behind her. Potlicker Hoffa is supporting Dr.Obama after Baby Doc made him offer he couldnt resist. In return for Potlicker Hoffa's support Baby Doc will stop the governmen from montering the Teamsters for Mafia activity. Baby Doc is the first Presidential candidate to ever make that offer to the Teamsters because of their suspectabilty to mafia influence. Big Oil has give a ton to Baby Doc and the list of undeserables goes on on. Either Hillory wins the nomination or the Democratic voters will walk away come Novemeber and the higherarchs will have the party all to themselves. What left of it that is.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saudi Arabia Shows Its Muscle

Hillory Clinton has won all of the major states that usually vote Democratic in congressional and national elections,while Dr.Obama has done poorly in those same states. The states O'Obama has won are Republican states that will go back to voting Republican in November.If he is the nominee he will carry very few of the states he won in the primaries. The Democratic states he lost to Hillory arent likely to vote for him because the Democratic nomination process is rigged. So O'Obama is likely to lose in November. Hillory has won the big states and she also should be credidted with winning the popular vote.If she dosent get the nomination its because its rigged and voters will remeber that Your seeing raw Saudi power and how much they control us

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Michigan and Florida are the Keys to Hillory's Victory

Hillory is right to make her case in Florida and Michigan that the voters are being taken for granted so the higherarchs like that putz Howie can pick the nominee without direct imput from the electorate. The reason why elections are held in the first place isnt to so the top elite of a poltical party can benefit but so the average citizen can have some imput into how his or her government is run. The top big shots of the Democratic party are trying cheat the voters of their right to pick the parties nominee. The higherarcs want to be the decider of who is going to be the presidential nominee. And they have picked Dr.Obama. Why? Oil money is backing Dr.Obama and the other big shots in the party. Nancy Pelosi recently came back from Iraq and said she saw real improvement. This is the same woman who campaigned to End The War IN Iraq. What she is saying now is total bullshit. Things havent changed one bit. But she made those statements because oil money and the military industrial complex are now controlling the Democratic party as I have said in earlier bloggs. If Hillory sticks up for the voters in Michigan and Florida and streses that something has to be done about industries moving out of the country she will beat Baby Doc Obama. Something must be done to about whole industries leaving the Usa and moving out of the country.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Who Cares About The Rules Commitee

The average voter in Michigan and Florida dosent give a damm about the Democratic Party Rules Committee. He just wants to know why his vote dosent count or why he cant vote in his states primaries. Unless the Democratic Party does a much better job of showing these people that there vote counts they will simply stay home during Novembers presidental elections. Hillory should take her case to the voters in Michigan and Florida and explain that the Democratic Party dosent think there vote counts. Because if all of the votes were counted she would be way ahead in the popular vote. Its very clear who Democratic voters want to be their nominee. The higherarchs should trying to steal the election

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What Has Dr.Obama Won? Not Much

Dr. Obama didnt win any of the large population states that tradionally vote for Democrates and Dr.Obama didnt win the popular vote. How has Dr.Obama come this far? For one has he really come that close to the nomination? He has just assumed that he has hoping to convince everyone else that he the rightful holder to the Democratic nomination. Its salesmen ship 101. Its called assuming the sale. Closer exmination shows that Dr.Obama lost the popular vote and is being pushed along by the Saudi controlled press and the Democratic Party higharchs influened by oil and wall street money. So what Dr. Obama is doing is really playing a game of charades. The title of his campaign is really The Emporer Has NO Clothes because Dr.Obama has won no nomination

The Commodity and Futures Markets Need Much Tighter Regulation

We are paying to much for food and gasoline because the Futures markets arent regulated. For example insider trading is done all the time in the commodities markets and its perfectly legal. Congress must bring the Futures markets in to the new century and regulate them just like the stock market is regulated. Otherwise we will continue to be gouged at the pump and grocery store

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Clinton Is The Winner and Dr.Obama Should Be Thinking About Quiting

Again Clinton should be considered the winner of the populare vote and thus the nomination. Ifen the voters in Michigan and Florida were alowed to cast there votes like other Americans then Hillory Clinton would be the big winner of the populare vote. The voters in those states didnt do anything wrong and yet they are being denied the right to vote because of a techicaltiy they had nothing to do with. Sound familiar? That is the way black people were denied the right to vote in the south. There was a movement called the civil rights movement to change that. What kind of movement is going to be necessary to allow voters in Michigan and Florida the right to exersize their vote in the Democratic primaries?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dr.Obama:The Liberal Myth

If Doctor Obama is a great liberal why dosent he have any prominent liberals supporting him? Realistically most of the people who consider themselves a liberal poltically are Jewish. In much the same way most conservative Republican are white anglo protastents. Yes there many Jews who are conservative poltically just as there are protastent liberals. But for the most part the majority of liberals are jewish and the conservatives protastent. Iam not being prejudice in any way just stating facts. If those observations are generally true why havent any prominent Jewish polticians endorsed or backed Dr.Obama. They havent backed Dr.Obama because he really isnt a liberal and is controlled by Big Oil and Wall Street. We have someone in the White House like that already. Do really need to repeat our past mistakes?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Oregonians Do U Really Know Who Your Voting For

The enviroment as it should be is a very important issure to the people living in the Northwest. Everyone should be concerned about the enviroment but especially those living in the northwest. Do u know what Baby Doc Obama's solution is for Global Warming? Building Nucular Power Plants. And that is really no solution at all for protecting the enviroment. It just creates even bigger long term enviromental problems. Bill Clinton's presidency was rated among the highest for protecting the enviroment and his wife Hillory will be just as viligent in protecting our earth. Obama backed by that phat potlicker James Potlicker Hoffa will cater to the special interst groups like THE BIG OIL COMPANIES who have finaced his campaign. Would u vote for George Bush for a third term? If yes then vote for Baby Doc Obama because the same special interests groups that paid for George Bush's campaign are backing Dr.Obama. Protect the enviroment and vote for Hillory. If u dont vote for Hillory today than what kind of world will we be living in tommorrow? One full of nucular waste.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gm Excutives Have Finally Admitted They Were Wrong

So call them pischer. Yes Gm has been behind the curve for a long time primairly because of bad management. So is Rick Wagoner going to resign or commit harrycarry now that he has fianlly verbilized what everybody else was already aware of? Rick has taken the call me pischer defense meaning he made a few little mistakes so what get on with your life. By the end of the year Gm will be down to its last 15billion in cash which means they wont have enough money left to effctively run the company which means they will have to call Larry the Liquadator which means that will be the end of Gm. Basically that scenioro is really a win win situation. Rick will get a nice severance package as he should since it took a hell of a little skill in running the largest American corp into the ground. The stockholders will get a better price than GM is trading at now. And the Germans and Japanese car companies will divie up whats left. And if they throw the workers a bone the mafia based casinos in Detroit will make a nice dollar. So whats to complain about.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

George Bush The Commander in Chief

Our commander recently said he wishes he had better intelligence prior to the Iraq war. The press should have asked him what would he have done differently if he had this so called better intelligence. Did the CIA tell him that Mr.Chalaby the Iraqi poltician advising Mr.Bush was an Iranian spy? Our Saudi controlled press is way to easy on our commander in chief. I have great deal of respect for the Kennedy family including Senator Ted Kennedy and wish him well and a speedy recovery.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

There Is A Major Schism In The Democratic Party

The hierarchy in the Democratic Party backed by big oil,the military industrial complex our Saudi Arabian masters and Oprah's phat ass clearly are behind Dr.Obama. While the individual Democratic voter is clearly behind Hilary Clinton. Ifen Michigan and Florida were allowed to hold there primaries Hillory Clinton would be the clear leader in the over all poplular vote. The delgate count is comprized of some bullshit formula that only the big shots understand. The question is will the hierarchy pull a fast one and cheat Democratic voters out of the Presidential nominee that they support?

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saudi Arabia's Control of the Media

Cbs was the only newsgroup to make an early prediction on election night that Hillory Clinton would win in Indiana a state Dr.Obama once had a big lead in. And its interesting to note Cbs is the only media company that Saudi-Alquida dosent have a big stake in. Abc and Disney would be bankrupt with out Saudi-Alquida money. Nbc owned by Ge sold a plastics company for billlions more then it was worth to a Saudi-Alquida group. Fox News owned by Lestor Rupport Murdock is into the Saudi's big time. Lestor just came back from an ass kissing mission to Saudi Arabia. He met with Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal on his yacht at a Saudi lake begging for money. Lester that old cocker is in debt big time. He paid to much for the Wall Street Journal. Since the Prince lives in Beverly Hills and not Saudi Arabia why didnt the meeting take place there. Lestor is 80 years ,old pees in his pants,and is one step away from an extended care residence(the old folks home)and yet the prince made him shleep all the way to Saudi Arabia for this forcockta meeting. Why? He knows Lestor Murdock is hurting for money and wanted to rub it in his face and make him begg. And he did. What this means is The Saudi's are calling the shots and will again influnce the elections there way. They are backing Dr.Obama all the way

Hillory Just Has to Cross The Finish Line To Win

Hillory must stay in the race to the very very very end. She has won virtually all the big Democratic states. And she will win in W.Virgina. W.Virgina is not a racist state as Sam Zell's newspapers have tried to protray it. W.Virgina was created by Virginians who didnt want to fight on the side of the south during the civil war. And on the contrary its usally more progressive then most southern states. Hillory just has to stay on message that the eonomy must be fixed and its wrong to export our industies to other counties.

Friday, May 09, 2008

A Rigged Primary and A Crooked Democratic Party

Hillory would be the nominee right now if the Democratic Party hadnt rigged the election process against her. The press and media are also culprits in the Democratic Party primary fraud. The whole process is rigged in favor of Dr.Obama against Hillory Clinton. Just a few weeks ago Dr.Obama had a 10 point lead in Indiana and the press said that was his test state. I suppose they meant if he won Indidana then that meant he had the nomination locked up and he was a winnable candidate. After Hillory narrowed the lead and finally moved ahead in Indidana the so called free press moved the test to North Carolina where blacks make up the majority of the Democratic party and said after the elections that Hillory barly won in Indiana and Obama won a crushing blow against Hillory in North Carolina that would knock her out of the race. They downplayed her comeback in Indiana and hyped Dr Obama's win as a specticle. Now she has very little money left to finish the campaign. Why? The influence of Opec and Saudi Arabia. They fund the campaigns and are big mega stock holders in virtually all of the media companies. In other words they call the shots and they want Dr.Obama even though its clear the American people favor Mrs Clinton. Who will win out? The Saudi Arabia who forced George Bush down our throats or the American people?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Dr.Obama Is Mafia and BIg Oil

There isnt any question that Dr.Obama is backed by the Mafia and the big oil companies and big business interests. Just look who is giving him the money to run. Just look at the deals he is making and who he is making them with. Do u really want that kind of shit in the White House. Michigan and Detroit are under perment and complete mafia control. Why do u think Detroit is the only major city to have casino gambling in its downtown? Its because its under the control of the mafia. Voters in Michigan and Detroit would only vote for the most corrupt candidates. Candidates just like Dr.Obama who smiled a lot and were very charming. If a candidate wasnt corrupt or on the take they thought he was crazy. The way the voters rationalized it was, corruption was just part of the world of poltics. A corrupt poltician was street smart and savy in their mind. Today u cant even pay business to move into Detroit or Michigan its such a dump. Mike Illich the owner of the Detroit Tigers and one of Detroit's casino owners is 100% under mafia control. Besides owning the Tigers and a casino he gets a cut of the Prositition and Narcotics trafficing industires in Detroit. His logic is if there where no casinos then there would be no prostition and narcotics trafficing in Detroit. He could be right about that. But he feels he deserves a cut and gets it. Just think of Detroit if your thinking about supporting Dr.Obama. Do u really want to live,work and raise a family in that kind of shit.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

A Rigged Primary

Hillory Clinton has won virtually all the major primaries and yet she is still behind. How is that? The primaries election processs is simply rigged just like the 2000 election and proably even the presidential eleciton fours ago. If Michigan and Florida's primaries counted or where held again Clinton would be leading in the popular vote. But because this thing is fixed Hillory Clinton is actualy behind when she should leading. This really isnt fair. And i think Saudi money is behind a lot of this. There isnt any question George Bush worked for them. Oil was around $20 a barrel when he took office. And now oil is over $120 a barrel. He had done a good job for the Saudi interests. And they are influending our election process once again. Dr. Obama has received a boat load of mony from big oil. And in the process the american people are getting screwed.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hillory Clinton's Victory Show She Is The Leader

Hillory Clinton's victory in Indiana shows Obama cant win in states that are ethinically and racially diverse. The Democratic party in North Carolina is primarily composed of black people who are Dr.Obama's main supporters. Obama had to win in Indiana to show that he could win in states with different ethinic populations. Once again he dissapointed. His loss shows once again he cant win in states that tradionallly vote democratic or are ethinically diverse. Hillory's win Indiana more than shows her candidacy has the momentum. The only real way to decide the Democratic primary is for the Democratic Party to bite the bullet and redo the primaries in Michigan and Florida. Why should the individual citizens of those state be denied the right to vote in their states primary because of a screw up at the top of the Democratic Party. HOWIE U FUCKED UP!!!!! BIG TIME The primaries must be held again in those states and then and only then will there a real winner of the Democratic Presidential nomination.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Obama Speaks With Fork Toungue

Obama is against lowering the gas tax yet he voted for George Bush's energy bill which gave generous tax breaks to the big oil companies. Hillory Clinton voted against Bush's energy bill and now wants to cut gas taxs during the summer months. But she also said she would levy a windfall tax on big oil's profits at the same time she cut the gas tax for consumers.

Where Is This Thing Called The Iraq War Going

May 2 is National Potlicker day and its really a time to reflect on what we can expect and just where we are exactly going with our situation in Iraq. Lets face it we are like the coyote who chased after a rabit and got himself stuck in a tunnel. If the coyote chases further after the rabit he risks getting permantly trapped there while if tries to pull out of the tunnel the whole thing could collapse on him. And that is where we are with the Iraq situation. In one of the news magazines an excellent comparison was made between U.S. involvement with Iraq and the Boer Wars where England fought a protracted war against the Dutch settlers in Africa. England finally won but it cost them their empire. Could that be our cost for getting suckered into such a dumb war? Sadam Houssin was more than willing to make a deal in our favor before the war that would have given the U.S. unprecented acess to Iraqi oil at very favorable terms but no under his honor the greatly able George Bush the U.S.had to fight a war and now we are stuck there like the coyote in the fox hole risking our counties future. Lets make National Potlicker Day a day of deep thought and reflection.