A Rigged Primary and A Crooked Democratic Party
Hillory would be the nominee right now if the Democratic Party hadnt rigged the election process against her. The press and media are also culprits in the Democratic Party primary fraud. The whole process is rigged in favor of Dr.Obama against Hillory Clinton. Just a few weeks ago Dr.Obama had a 10 point lead in Indiana and the press said that was his test state. I suppose they meant if he won Indidana then that meant he had the nomination locked up and he was a winnable candidate. After Hillory narrowed the lead and finally moved ahead in Indidana the so called free press moved the test to North Carolina where blacks make up the majority of the Democratic party and said after the elections that Hillory barly won in Indiana and Obama won a crushing blow against Hillory in North Carolina that would knock her out of the race. They downplayed her comeback in Indiana and hyped Dr Obama's win as a specticle. Now she has very little money left to finish the campaign. Why? The influence of Opec and Saudi Arabia. They fund the campaigns and are big mega stock holders in virtually all of the media companies. In other words they call the shots and they want Dr.Obama even though its clear the American people favor Mrs Clinton. Who will win out? The Saudi Arabia who forced George Bush down our throats or the American people?
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