Dr.Obama Is Mafia and BIg Oil
There isnt any question that Dr.Obama is backed by the Mafia and the big oil companies and big business interests. Just look who is giving him the money to run. Just look at the deals he is making and who he is making them with. Do u really want that kind of shit in the White House. Michigan and Detroit are under perment and complete mafia control. Why do u think Detroit is the only major city to have casino gambling in its downtown? Its because its under the control of the mafia. Voters in Michigan and Detroit would only vote for the most corrupt candidates. Candidates just like Dr.Obama who smiled a lot and were very charming. If a candidate wasnt corrupt or on the take they thought he was crazy. The way the voters rationalized it was, corruption was just part of the world of poltics. A corrupt poltician was street smart and savy in their mind. Today u cant even pay business to move into Detroit or Michigan its such a dump. Mike Illich the owner of the Detroit Tigers and one of Detroit's casino owners is 100% under mafia control. Besides owning the Tigers and a casino he gets a cut of the Prositition and Narcotics trafficing industires in Detroit. His logic is if there where no casinos then there would be no prostition and narcotics trafficing in Detroit. He could be right about that. But he feels he deserves a cut and gets it. Just think of Detroit if your thinking about supporting Dr.Obama. Do u really want to live,work and raise a family in that kind of shit.
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