Where Is This Thing Called The Iraq War Going
May 2 is National Potlicker day and its really a time to reflect on what we can expect and just where we are exactly going with our situation in Iraq. Lets face it we are like the coyote who chased after a rabit and got himself stuck in a tunnel. If the coyote chases further after the rabit he risks getting permantly trapped there while if tries to pull out of the tunnel the whole thing could collapse on him. And that is where we are with the Iraq situation. In one of the news magazines an excellent comparison was made between U.S. involvement with Iraq and the Boer Wars where England fought a protracted war against the Dutch settlers in Africa. England finally won but it cost them their empire. Could that be our cost for getting suckered into such a dumb war? Sadam Houssin was more than willing to make a deal in our favor before the war that would have given the U.S. unprecented acess to Iraqi oil at very favorable terms but no under his honor the greatly able George Bush the U.S.had to fight a war and now we are stuck there like the coyote in the fox hole risking our counties future. Lets make National Potlicker Day a day of deep thought and reflection.
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