Oregonians Do U Really Know Who Your Voting For
The enviroment as it should be is a very important issure to the people living in the Northwest. Everyone should be concerned about the enviroment but especially those living in the northwest. Do u know what Baby Doc Obama's solution is for Global Warming? Building Nucular Power Plants. And that is really no solution at all for protecting the enviroment. It just creates even bigger long term enviromental problems. Bill Clinton's presidency was rated among the highest for protecting the enviroment and his wife Hillory will be just as viligent in protecting our earth. Obama backed by that phat potlicker James Potlicker Hoffa will cater to the special interst groups like THE BIG OIL COMPANIES who have finaced his campaign. Would u vote for George Bush for a third term? If yes then vote for Baby Doc Obama because the same special interests groups that paid for George Bush's campaign are backing Dr.Obama. Protect the enviroment and vote for Hillory. If u dont vote for Hillory today than what kind of world will we be living in tommorrow? One full of nucular waste.
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