The Danger of a Dr.Obama Candidacy
People say George Bush was a bad President. What people are saying that? It certainly isnt George Bush's constitunecy. Georgie Boy Bush dosent owe his presidency to the electorate because he lost the election in 2000. It was Big oil that stole the election that made him president. And not the people voting. And he has done well for big oil. Oil was $20 a barrel when he took office now its $120 a barrel and climibing thanks to the efforts Georgie(Hud)Bush. By the same token Baby Doc Obama really lost the primaries to Hillory Clinton. Iowa the state he thanked for its intial support of his candidacy he wont win in November. Hillory has won almost all the states that ususaly vote Democratic. She has even won the popular vote. One would think Hillory has this thing locked up. Among the people she does have it locked up. But the big money special interest groups like big oil, like potlicker Hoffa,like Lestor Rupport Murdock and the big Media companies and the Mafia they are supporting Dr Obama. And the higharcs could pull fast one again and cheat the American people out of the candidate they voted for. Dr Obama is going to look after his supporters like George Bush did for his backers. Again it wasnt the voters who put Dr.Obama in office but the mafia, the oil companies, and wall street. And that is who Dr.Obama is going to look out for if the higherarcs cheat the voters again make Dr.Obama the Democratic nominee
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