What is Nafta
Nafta was created because General Motors and the oil companies didnt want to pay tarriffs on goods coming into the United States from Mexico. Gm wanted to build cars and parts in Mexico and bring them back into the United States without paying the normal taxes. Bill Clinton and congress under tredmondous preassue form Gm and the oil companies approved Nafta. However the big push or emphaiss to move jobs and industries out of the United States started under the Dutch Regan admiminstration and reached full speed under George Bush the elder and George Bush the pisscher. The vast majority of the jobs and industries lost overseas occured during both Bushes administration. Yes Nafat was approved during Bill Clinton's administrion but he never pushed it and the economy was healthy and strong while he was president. If Obama becomes president busnesses and industries will continue this mass exdus. His soltutions to fix the problem are Republican solutions and will only increase business leaving the United States and Americans losing more jobs.
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