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Monday, March 31, 2008

The Heirachy of the Democratic Party

The so called big shots of the Democratic party are contolled by the same big money interests as George Bush. Remember how they promised if they where elected that the war in Iraq would end and all the troops would be brought home. Bullshit!!!! And now they want to force an unqualified candidate backed by the same big money interests as George Bush on to the American people. Obama has close mafia ties and is backed by big oil and the big utility companies. The same corporations making us pay $4 dollars a gallon that is ruining our economey. Hillory Clinton wants to do what is right for the country instead of just the big special interst groups and this is why the crud in the Democratic party is fighting her candidacy. The people support her campaign and that is why she must stay in the race. She will win

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dirt in the Campaign: Where did it come from

Obama's campaign complains of dirty politics and that they are tired of it. And yet they where the ones who went into the gutter first. Hillory Clinton at the start of the primaires had a big lead over Obama among black voters. That lead not to long ago was not only earesed by Obama but now he is way ahead among blacks. A man who has done very little for the black community in comparison with the Clintons is now way ahead there. How did he do it in such a short time? He went into George Wallaces play book and used race as a spring borad to catch up. He went into the gutter and introduced the black community to the Rev. Wrong a rasicts in the purist form. And the black community lapped it up just like the whites in the old south. They couldnt get enough. So if the campaign is to dirty for Obama's handlers then they made it that way. Has anbody seen BIG MAMA OBAMA? Where o Where is Obama's mother? Nobody has seen or talked her the whole campaign. Thats unusal not to see or talk to or interview a presidential candidates mother

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hillory Clinton has the Momentum

Almost only counts in horse shoes and presidential primaries. The states Hillory Clinton has won has far more electorial college votes then the states that voted for Obama. And yet Obama has more delgate votes then Hillory. Why? Because almost counts in presidential primaries. Obama has won one state (washington) that is a tradional Democratic state and his backers in the Republican and Democratic parties are calling him the winner. What this shows is he cant win among Democratic voters. And if he cant win among these voters now he isnt going to inspire them to go to the polls November and vote for a Democratic. Obama is bascially a Republican in sheeps clothing and he isnt fooling Democratic voters. He represents the same big money corportions that got this country into so much trouble as George Bush. And that is why Hillory is winning among Democrates. Obama has to win in Pennsylvania or has a weak agrument for staying in the race. How can u be the Democratic nominee if you cant win among voters that tradionally vote Democratic in Presidential and Congressional elections. U CANT

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Slanting of the News

The Republican controlled press has started to write damage controll stories concerning Obama and the Rev. Wrong. The Los Angeles Times had a crock about how Obama was alway friends with black racists but tried to steer them on the right path. Evidently it didnt work in the case of Rev. Wrong because for the last 2o years or so he has been spewing racist and proably anti semtic sermons on a regular basis. And for the last 20years Obama just sat there and listened to it without protesting. What does that say about Obama. Did he just sit there and listen along with his young children and not point out that it was wrong because he is also a racist? It could just mean that he had poor judgement in not doing anything about what the Rev. Wrong was saying in his sermons. Does the United States need someone as President who dosent have the judgement to know justice from injustice. May be not. I hate to contridicte the Los Angeles Times but it looks the Rev. Wrong was leading Obama instead of the other way around. And if Sam(Curly)Zell dosent do a better job of reporting the news in his paper he is going to lose even more money.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Obama and Race

Obama is a race man. He used it to enegerize and build his support in the black community and now its blown up in his face and may destroy his campaign. The Rev Wright is a racist and proably is anti-semtic which is good for building support among black voters but is hypocritical to white voters. A white presidential candidate from the south who belonged to a church where its minister was a stong sympthizer of the Klu Klux Clan wouldnt be tolerated today as a viable candidate. Yet Obama expects that his candidacy to be considered legitmate inspite of his support of Rev.Wright who is an admitted supporter of Louis (the charmer) Farakan who is openly racicst and anti-semetic. Whats good for the geese is good for the gander. If Obama truly wasnt sympethic to Rev.Wrights support for Louis Farakan he should have left the church. Obviously it wasnt that big a deal to him or he would have left Rev.Wright church or at least spoken against what he was saying.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama needs Pennsylvania more then Hillory does

Obama has done very poorly among core Democrates except for black voters. In the states that tradiontionally vote democratic he lost big time to Hillory Clinton. So he must prove that he can win in a state like Pennsylvania that usually votes for Democratic candidates. The states he has won except for Washington will all go Republican on election day. Its amazing the way the media has carried on about a candidate who cant even win with core Democratic voters. Calforinia, New York , Florida, and Michigan have to go Democratic in a presidential election in order for the parties candidate to have a chance of winning. Obama did horrable in all 4 states. And if he loses Pennsylvania how could he possably be consisdered a serious candidate because if he cant win the primaries he wont win the national elections. If the dream ticket where viable it would have already happened. Obama is really a Republican running as a Democrate and that is why Hillory Clinton will eventually win. The Republican solutions for solving our economic problems havent worked and if new people with better ideas arent elected we will slip into a 1930's depression. Pittsburgh has lost its steel industry and Detroit its automoblile industry and the south its textile and furniture industires and on and on. The nation economy must be rebuilt and Hillory Clinton has a better plan than Obama.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama: A True Blue Friend

Obama has abondoned his good friend Rev. Wright when just 2 weeks ago he reafirmed his support of there frinedship after the Rev. was critizied as a Louis Farraken apologist. Now Obama said the Rev.'s statements after 9-11 where despicable and he didnt want anything to do with him any more . Okay the question is why didnt he say that when the Rev first made those descpicable statemnets instead of waiting 5years. Obama has been a member of the Rev. Wright church for 20 years . What is going to happen Oprah (gurl) now. She made very similiar statements after 9-11 as Rev. Wright. <<<<<<< THE ECONOMY Those that have read past colums here Know i have already talked about it IT IS BAD we are going into a depression Hillory Clinton must be elected or we could get buried

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Rev. Wright isnt the only close associtate of Mr. Obama that has said 9-11 was America's own fault. Oprha(gurl) Winphrey said after 9-11 that the cause of 9-11 was that Americans didnt understand the problems of other countries. The question is do the voters that are supporting Obama really understand this mans views and what they are voting for. The only connection between Oprha and Rev Wright is that they are influential supporters of Mr. Obama. Could Americans elect as president an agent of Radical Ismalists that are trying to destroy America? There are a lot of his supporters who have made anti-christian and anti-semtic statements. A neatyly crafted story has been created about Obama's by his handlers. Is he another Cleo? What ever happened to Obama's mother? I she alive or dead? Nobody hears about her. Why? Would it screw up the story about this mystic charmer? Or the fact that his father from remote, remote Africa abondoned his family? And that in his early years he was raised by his white mid western grandparents. If those facts where known would it wreck the Obama story just like in the Wizord of Oz.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Stock Market and Character problems for Obama

There maybe mounting character problems for Obama that cant be ignored any longer andmay force him out of the race. After 9-11 Oprah (gurl) said that it was America's own fault for not being understanding of what other countries thought about the United States. Does Obama feel the same way? May be he does. If there is a link between Obama and known terrorists then his candidancy if finished. Stay tuned to The druge Report. Iam sure he will carry full details . <<<<<<<< STOCK MARKET The fed has very little control of the sub-prime mess but it can influence the stock market. The hope is that if investor have confidence in the stock market it will spill over into the housing market. The cash infusion is proably a waste of money since this mess was caused by people just not making enough money to live on. The cure a stronger economy that creates jobs that pay a lving wage. The Clintons are the best qualified to rebuild the economy

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Should Elliot Spitzter Resign?

George Bush lied about being arrested and using drugs and he certainly didnt resign. In todays world Elliot Spitzer has just committed a small infraction and noting to quit his job over. He didnt take graft like most polticians do and he didnt play footsie in the mens bathroom like many of the top Republicans do. It would be foolish of Elliiot to quit over this minor infraction

Monday, March 10, 2008

Gm's cutting edge techonology

General Motors will soon be premiering its new Fusion Cell car a great advance in technology that will completely eliminate gasoline. Piss Wagoner the chairmen of Gm and the father of the fusion car said at a news conference that everything is on schedule. A few months ago Piss ordered 500 engineers at Gm to work solely on the fusion project and drop all other projects they where working on, The board of directors at Gm recently gave Piss Wagoner a well deserved raise for his tremondous tenacity and vision. After all he has pissed away an entire corporation. Piss Wagoner announced also that he is writing a new book. The title is how to Ass Kiss your way to the top. Piss certainly didnt make it to top on his ability to run a major automobile company.<<<<<<< THE ELECTIONS The recent issure of Time magazine has a map of the states both Democratic candidates have won. Obama's victories it can be seen are in your so called potlicker states. The potlicker states never or very rarely vote Democratic in national or congressional elections and contribute very little money to the National Party. Hillory Clinton has won all of the states that usually vote Democratic in national elections. If Hillory wins Pennsylvania she has won. Whole lot of people would get angry if the potlicker states ended up picking the Democratic nominee.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Vote Well My Fellow Americans:This time it counts

My fellow Americans our country is facing economic challenges not witnessed since the great depression of the 1930's. The person we select as president will either lead out of this mess or bury us. That is why who we select as president is so important to our own future as well as the destiny of the country. When Bill Clinton became president in the early 1990's the United States in few short years had gone from being the biggest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation under Dutch Reagan. Many foolish supporters of Regan said let Dutch be Dutch let Regan be Regan, well as that occured American Jobs by the boat load where shipped to Japan. Under Bush the elder and Bush the pischer Amerian jobs where shipped to China. The average American now has a great deal of difficulty now in making enough money to live on. This is the underlying cause of the sub-prime mess. Obama"s cure for this is simply a rehash of solutions that have been tried and failed. Giving tax breaks to companies that stay is a loser and hasnt worked in Michigan and other states like Indiana that have tried it. Bill Clinton in a few short years reversed the mess of the Regan years and brought great ecnomic proserperty to the country. Obama favors nucular enegery which has also proven to be a dangerous loser. We as Americans must do the right thing and vote like it counts because this time it really does and vote for Hillory Clinton who been an outstainding Sentor. Obama offers sure a handshake and smile and that about is it. Iam asking the women folk not to vote with there cunts but with their brains. The men folk put down the brewsky and shut off the baseball game and pay attention because it really does matter. The people in Wisconsin walk around with their toungues hanging out looking for a job because there industries have left. And instead of voting for someone who can help them they vote for a song and dance man whose proposals have absloelty no substance.. What potlickers. I strongly urge Americans to think when they vote. We can vote for someone who can help us out of this mess (Hillory Clinton) or an inexperieced kid like (Obama) who has ties to organized crime. Who is Antoin Tony Rezko? Vote well my fellow Americans The country is depending on you