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Friday, May 04, 2007


A major riot in Los Angeles has a high proablity of occuring in the near future. The city is controlled by the big real estate developers and construction companies who squeeze the cities treasury for every penny they can steal. The mayor and city counsel are picked owned and controlled by these power groups who literaly use the city government to beat the shit out of the cities residents and the general population. There is a deep tide of resentment and hate towards authority by La residents. The police force instead of protecting citizens is used to control the population. The police are overbearing on the average citizen unfairly stopping motorist to give them petty tickets just to bring in revenue for the real estate developers. Motorists are harrased not only by the police but also by the arrogant parking metor maids who hand out tickest like advertizing ciruculars. Many of the tickets are unfairly given out. At the same time gang violence is at an epedemic. These elements are like a stick of tnt waiting to be ignited. So if u bring your convention to Los Angeles it just might be during the middle of a major riot.